Wednesday, June 26, 2024

My Empty Nest


In a couple of weeks it will be two years since I became an empty nester.  That first year was a little difficult for me, not only because my youngest child flew the coop, but it was also my first year of retirement and I had just retired a few months earlier.  Literally everything about my life had changed all at once.  Now fast forward to present day and what do I think?  Well, I LOVE BEING AN EMPTY NESTER!


To be perfectly honest, and please don’t take this wrong, I wouldn’t go back if you paid me good money.  I’ve done my time.  I absolutely love being on my own for the first time in over 37 years.  In my younger days I only lived alone on my own for about a year before I got married and started my own little family.  After my divorce I always had a child to care for and I really loved being a mom.  It is hands down the best job I’ve ever held and it brought me the most joy.  But now, I’m on my own and I just love it.


Over the past two years I’ve slowly been going through the spaces in my home and making them my own.  To most people my home appears to be the same in most respects, but as time has gone on the evidence of teenagers has been slipping away and there is more of me present here now.  I am unashamedly creating my own home throughout this house.


I love living alone.  I come and go as I please and the best part is that when I do come home everything is as I left it.  I eat what I want, when I want.  I clean the house and it stays that way.  I have the room to do my projects and crafts now.  My home has become peaceful and tranquil.  I have fallen in love with my house all over again.


I move much slower than I used to now because I am no longer in a hurry to do anything.  I’ve given up multi tasking.  If I don’t feel like doing something, then I don’t do it.  Laundry will always wait for me.  Housework too.  I no longer have to work my guts out in order to keep up and stay on top of things.  I love that if a friend calls me to go for coffee or to grab lunch that I can drop what I am doing and just go.  I love that I have time for my friends.


If I want I can walk around the house naked, leave the bathroom door wide open, talk to myself, sing and dance (I’m not very good at either), vacuum or watch TV late at night and no one cares.  I can eat leftover spaghetti for breakfast and cereal for dinner if I want to.  I have very few rules and I don’t have to set good examples anymore.  I don’t have to watch what I say.  I can swear if I want to.  I can have opinions without someone else telling me why I shouldn’t think that way.  The cat rarely objects.  I don’t have to explain myself.


Do I miss my children?  Of course, just not every single day.  They are no longer my priority like they once were.  Highly important, but now so am I.  I am embracing this particular time in my life and loving every minute of it.  It is a good place to be at the moment.  I think I’ll stay a while.



  1. I feel exactly the same way. I let two boys move back in, but I know this is just a stopover for them before they truly fly. They make zero messes and pretty much keep to themselves, but seeing and chatting with them makes me smile. I am looking forward to being 100% here by myself like before. I had figured it out, and it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Liberating!

    1. Liberating is correct! We get to find ourselves again. ;)

  2. Both of my girls know our home is always an open door no matter what happens in life. We will always be a family of 3 no matter how near or far.

    1. My door is never closed to any of my children either and they know that too. If they ever need me they know I've got their backs. I'd move heaven and earth for my babies if I needed to.

  3. That sounds very healthy to me. When I was divorced, I still had three school-age sons, but I felt the same way. I felt free, and even my youngest said to me he liked our life much better now that his dad wasn't living with us. I redecorated it, and I had a sign I had made in my garden that said, "A woman's home is her castle." When my ex saw it, he kicked it and tried to break it.
    I'm glad you're happy.

    1. Thank you Debby. I think so too. I love that you've made your home your own. I think your ex was behaving like a child and I'm glad he wasn't successful in breaking the sign. You go girl!

  4. Totally relate to this, so much so that I jokingly said if mine wanted to move back in I’d rent her an apartment:) it was just the two us from the time she was two, we are close she’s my pride and joy but I’m enjoying the freedom of living alone.

  5. We are both in the same season! Although my 6th child just graduated from high school, and he and my 21 yo daughter still live at home, I feel exactly as you do. They are both working, own and pay for their own vehicles, and are adults. I’ve literally been taking care of children for 38 years. I made it known to my kids, that my grandchildren are for me to love and spoil…. But NOT for me to stop my life for. Still finding my sea legs regarding just picking up and going, but it’s getting easier by the day. I earned it! Best, Liz

    1. Oh boy, haven't we earned it?! It was a long haul and I loved it. Wouldn't trade those years away for anything. But now... It's definitely my time. Take care Liz.

  6. Good for you!

    My husband is away from home a lot so it's often just me. I so get what you're saying. I delight in my children's adult lives but I don't miss raising them (and I thought I would!) When they ask me what I'm doing I say all the stuff I had to put off for someday!

    1. That is so true! All the things I've put off for some day. I'm ticking those boxes.

  7. You have really flourished and it's been great watching you transform your home and your life to match this stage in your life.


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