Monday, June 24, 2024

Vintage Cookery - Victory Blueberry Scones


I shared with you a few weeks or so ago that I’d acquired two new cookbooks for my collection of vintage and antique cookbooks.  This one is the Victory Recipes and features “better recipes for wartime cooking and baking” using rationing and as a way for people to get the most mileage from their food as they could.


I think if you click on the picture you'll be able
to read the recipe alright

The scones came together quickly and easily.  I patted the batter into my vintage nine inch pink round Pyrex cake pan.  It only seems right that I make vintage recipes using my vintage Pyrex bowls and baking dishes.


They baked in a hot oven for twenty minutes and were done.  I have to tell you this recipe pleasantly surprised me.  I half expected these scones to be rather dry and bland, but they were not.  I cut them and served them right out of the oven with a bit of butter for a Sunday brunch.  They were lightly sweet and very tasty.  Next time, I will most likely cut the salt back to a ½ teaspoon, but other than that I think they are perfect.  I will definitely make these scones again.


I think pairing these scones with eggs is perfect for breakfast or brunch.  I also think I’d enjoy one with a hot cup of coffee or tea and be just as satisfied.  I hope you will make these sometime.  I sure did enjoy them.



  1. Yum, they look delicious!!

  2. I think I might make the scones & take them to my daughter. Looking at the next recipes for gingerbread waffles it calls for a cup of molasses. Wow that's a lot.

    1. I agree. It makes a lot of pancakes, but still.,, seems like a lot to me too.

    2. Margaret, I thought the exact same thing! A whole cup of molasses against 2 cups flour? Seems overwhelming!

      The scones seemed like a "normal" recipe, and they do look scrumptious! I wonder how some lemon juice and zest would work as additions? Perhaps I'll make them for blueberry-obsessed DH and try a variation... Thank you for the peek at the cookbook and your recipe test! It's so interesting to see how things were done "in the old days." A vintage cookbook is as good as a novel!

  3. This is one that definitely sounds do-able for me. They look amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Nancy from Vancouver WAJune 24, 2024 at 12:34 PM

    Your cookbooks were a great deal. These sell for a lot online. I have been watching for one for a while but just can’t spend that much money on a cookbook.

    1. I know I really did get a good deal on these. Until you find your own, I'll share mine. :o)


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