Saturday, June 29, 2024

My Tireless Retirement – Week 117


I feel like my summer is whizzing right by me, I feel the whole year is!  Anyone else surprised it is almost July already?  I sure am.


I’m keeping myself plenty busy though and this past week was no exception.  I was blessed to be able to spend the afternoon with one of my favorite friends last Saturday.  She and I and another friend got together for lunch at a Chinese restaurant before we spent a bit of time trolling through Hobby Lobby (they were putting out Christmas already – Yikes!).  We yakked the whole time and were even coming up with ideas for a “girl’s trip”.  I hope we do it and soon.  I love, love, love spending time with my gal pals.


Blessed with free produce

When I got to work on Monday I noticed people with bunches of bananas and bags of oranges.  One lady had filled up her bicycle helmet with oranges, which I thought was pretty cute.  Some wonderful person had donated cases of bananas and oranges to the senior center.  I was able to partake and had a banana at work as a snack and then I took two loose bananas and two of the loose oranges home in my backpack which was plenty for me.


I found someone to take that bus pass I won a couple weeks ago and I was thrilled to be able to give it to her.  Probably more thrilled than she was to receive it.  One of my co-workers at the senior center also found her a collapsible shopping cart that she can use to get her groceries with and take on the bus.  The two of us totally made her day!  YaY!  I love it!


Meals I Prepared: 

I pulled a small baking dish with Sopa Seca in it from the freezer to “bake” in the microwave.  I also pulled an Eggroll In A Bowl meal kit I had made up a couple months ago out of the freezer to thaw and prepare.  Meals sorted!  Easy peasey!


I had a jar of berry jam in the pantry that was getting on in years so I used it up by making a kuchen for Sunday brunch.  I made scrambled eggs and bacon to go with it and after frying up the bacon I added all of the rendered fat to my bacon fat Mason jar I keep in the refrigerator.  I love to prepare my eggs using bacon fat and since I had just fried up bacon I used the residual fat and all those bits of bacon left in the pan to scramble the eggs in. Boy oh boy, those were some tasty eggs!


Sunday Brunch - delicious!

I am happily using my new journal and got busy planning for my big winter stock up as well as some more plans for my LTFS.  I made new pages to use for monthly strategizing.  I also finalized my plan of attack for stocking up on pet foods and supplies.  Now it is time to get busy and put those plans into action.


I printed off the next six months of planner pages

I love decorating the pages 😃

I made my way into Fred Meyer with one of my Kroger gift cards and picked up some meat on sale to put away in the deep freezer for winter.  I found two of the three pound rolls of Angus 90% lean ground beef on markdown.  I also picked up a family pack of boneless skinless chicken breasts on sale for $1.99 a pound.  They haven’t been that low in a very long time. I ended up getting all of that meat for only $7 out of pocket after I used my gift card.


A great find!

I hope everyone had a great week and that you are enjoying the weekend.  I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to.  Anyone doing any winter stocking up yet?  How about Christmas plans?


My retirement week runs from Friday through Thursday.


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