Monday, June 17, 2024

Vintage Cookery - My Great Grandmother's Macaroni Salad


This is definitely the time of year when I like to prepare a variety of salads to go with the main entrée’s I’ve been making.  Sometimes just a salad is a meal for me and my great grandma’s macaroni salad is one of those that really fits the bill.  I hadn’t made this salad in years, but lately it had been on my mind for several weeks and I decided I just needed to go ahead and make it.  The moment I tasted it I was literally flooded with all kinds of good memories of the times this salad was part of a family gathering or event.  Oh my goodness it is so simple and yet so good.  I do know I will not be waiting years to make this again.


Macaroni Salad 

1 1/4 cups elbow or salad macaroni

2 Tbs. finely diced onion

2 Tbs. finely diced sweet pickles or sweet relish

2 hard boiled eggs, diced

1/4 cup frozen peas, thawed

1 can tuna, drained

1/2 cup mayonnaise

Salt & pepper, to taste 

Cook pasta until just tender (do not overcook), drain and rinse with cold water.  In a large bowl combine all remaining ingredients and mix together.  Add pasta and stir to coat.  Refrigerate for a few hours to all flavors to meld and serve.  Make 6 to 8 servings.


A vintage salad belongs in a vintage dish 😊

I cut the original recipe in half but if you need a salad to take to a picnic, potluck or family gathering just double everything and you’ll have a nice sized bowl to take with you.


My great grandmother Margaret

Me at about the same age

Although I never had the opportunity to know my great grandmother I do have the privilege of having a few of her cookbooks as well as some of her items that my grandmother had and then passed on to me.  Whenever my grandmother made her recipe for a special occasion, like a holiday or birthday celebration, she would often substitute a can of tiny shrimp for the tuna.



  1. You share you great-grandmother's eyes! And those lovely, sculpted cheekbones! Beauties, both of you.

    Thank you for the pasta salad recipe. I've had a hankering, and your small batch seems perfect. The can of tiny shrimp never ocurred to me, but is such a good idea for a treat!

  2. Well this sounds delicious and I have been looking for some no cook/low cook summer recipes! Thanks for sharing this!

  3. Forgot to add that you look soooo much like her! Wow! 😍

    1. It blew my mind too when I saw this photograph of her.

  4. I’m not super sentimental but family recipes really are so special. I remember what I ate with my dear lovely grandparents, always basic fayre but full of love. My mum’s delicious sherry trifle and her ham, cheese and onion dip (so yummy) Those simple but wonderful things that just take you back in time, they’d appear at family occasions, every family member had their own ‘masterpiece’ that everyone looked forward to. Your great grandma’s pasta salad looks great. I’m going to try that one

    1. You are so right about that. They really do take us back in time.

  5. For my Italian grandmother's 90th birthday I had a family cookbook printed, full of old family photos. It's a treasure and I've now ordered a second round for the next generation!


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