Friday, August 16, 2024

Creating My Dream Job


While I was in high school I enrolled in the occupational health sciences classes and by the end of my junior year I was a certified nursing assistant (CNA).  I felt very accomplished to have done this at such a young age and felt I was well set up to be able to work and have this noble occupation while I went to college to become a registered nurse.  I really thought, at that time, that a career in the nursing field was what I truly wanted to pursue, however I quickly found out it really wasn’t.  That, coupled with a lack of funds, made my first stab at higher education a complete disaster.  However I was a CNA and I was able to secure full time work at a nursing home where I took care of the elderly.  I loved it!


I eagerly looked forward to donning my uniform and heading off to work each day.  Greeting my patients as I made first rounds and helping them with their daily needs throughout my shift.  I was in my element and I was so proud of the work that I did.  The only problem with that job was that it didn’t pay very well and it was difficult to earn a living.  As a single person I did okay, but once I was married and added children to the mix along with the limitations of daycare where their hours didn’t coincide with mine in any way shape or form I had to leave that job and pursue other avenues.  It broke my heart.


While I was working at the nursing home I always thought that someday I’d really like to do what our activity director at the time was doing.  I would’ve loved to do the fun daily activities with the residents and go with them on the adventures outside of the nursing home.  Take them to doctor appointments or on shopping trips, things like that.  Perhaps someday…


I often told my children about my first career and how much I had loved it.  I always thought that once money wasn’t such a big deal and my kids were older and able to be home by themselves that perhaps I’d return.  My final job as a patient care coordinator, before I retired, was a good compromise, but most of my work was done over the phone so I had very little one on one contact with my patients.  I mainly coordinated care with other professionals and it was a lot of administrative work.  It was rewarding, but it didn’t feed my soul.


As many of you know I applied for and accepted a very part time job, averaging eighteen hours a week, with the City of Boise Parks and Recreation Department this past October.  My job with the city mainly encompasses working at the senior center as well as helping out at the community center from time to time.  I absolutely love it and as I near the one year mark I can honestly look back and say I have yet to have a bad day at the office. Even more recently, it has only gotten better.


Because I was willing to put myself out there and try new things I asked my boss if I could become a driver and take people out on various activities and she was thrilled.  She asked me if I wanted to do this instead of working in the center and I told her ideally I’d like to do both and that made her even happier, I think.  I took the steps, I did the extra educational work on the computer that was required (scored 100% by the way) and now I am officially a city driver and I am super happy about it.

Let's go!


I feel like I’ve completely gone full circle and at long last I’ve literally created my dream “job”.  I frequently use quotations whenever I talk about my job with the city because it never feels like work.  It is hard to describe but it feels like I’ve signed up to go on a mission or something and that I’m doing really good work.  I feel at times like I need to pinch myself to make sure this is all real.  I am so happy and so fulfilled right now.  My cup is literally overflowing.


It is never too late to fulfill your dreams, whatever they may be.  For me it was to find my dream job and be of service to others.  A part time job like this was always a part of my retirement plan, not for the money, but for me, to feed my soul and sense of purpose.  I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this, but I’m so happy and so fulfilled.  It is hard sometimes to imagine life getting much better.



  1. What a super fantastic post and an encouragement to others! After raising children, sometimes we need to find something that will make us more fulfilled. Hard to explain

  2. Inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing the details.

  3. Very worthy goals! Thank you for sharing - it gives me much to think on.

  4. I just found my dream after being a nurse for 30 years. I am a school nurse and have 500 kids that come and go through my office. I absolutely love it.

  5. That is so wonderful! It's so interesting how our generation looks forward to a second chapter - I feel like my parents just waited for grandkids ;) And I think Laverne was meant to prepare you for this new job! Congrats


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