Saturday, August 17, 2024

My Tireless Retirement – Week 124


Another week has gotten away from me and just flown by so fast I can hardly believe it.  It was a good one though, very productive.  I did quite a bit of home canning, harvested a lot of tomatoes and the chicken kept me well supplied with fresh eggs.


Reorganization is messy business

I cleared off and cleaned all of the shelves

One of the projects I tackled was to go through the garage and do some purging, rearranging and reorganizing.  I managed to move the metal shelving unit over and make a place to house the deep freezer.  This was always my plan from the beginning when I first purchased it last year, however I found plenty of other things since then to keep me busy.  I’m glad I was able to finally get this done and the freezer in its permanent home.


This is all the crap I got rid of - Hurray! 😃

All done!

Ready for the next hazardous waste drop

I loaded up the truck with donations, and topped up the trash and recycling wheelie bins with plenty of items I no longer need, want or use and hauled them to the curb for pick up.  I also collected a box full of items to take in the next time the hazardous waste collection trucks turn up.  On the way home from work one evening I swung thru the donation lane at a nearby thrift store.


At work I took a group of seniors on an outing to a rural orchard to pick peaches.  It has been ages since I’ve been to one of the orchards so I think I enjoyed it every bit as much as they did.  I get to do it again next week with another group.

A freezer blueberry muffin & half a cosmic crisp apple

Meals I Prepared: 

I enjoyed a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables this past week.  Plenty of good healthy salads to go with my meals.  Some yogurt with fruit made for a nice light brunch. 

I kept my meals pretty simple with some soups and reheated leftovers and items I’d squirreled away in the freezer.


Unfortunately the wildfires and all the smoke in the air led to me having to cancel a camping trip I had planned.  Fortunately the temperatures have cooled to the more normal ranges and we are no longer dealing with triple digits.  We could sure use a good downpour right about now, however.  It will happen eventually.


I hope you are all doing well and had a great week.  Anyone else dealing with the seasonal wildfires where you live?  Have the temperatures cooled down for you?  Enjoy your weekend!


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