Monday, August 19, 2024

Turning The Corner - REAL Food


After a lot of pantry challenges and this year’s extremely low monthly grocery budget I have finally turned the corner on my REAL Food endeavor.  Simply put, I want to stock my home with wholesome and nutritious foods and keep processed foods to a minimum.  Right now the only processed food I have in my home is some store bought breads, a stock of assorted pastas in my LTFS and a small supply of commercially made condiments.


I do plan to continue to cull the condiments some more because I feel I have too many and most are in the form of salad dressings.  I want to go back to making my own salad dressing or to only buy better quality options if I choose.  I really don’t use a lot of condiments so what I do make or purchase tends to last a long time.  Moving forward I’d like to focus on making or buying better quality items in smaller amounts.



One thing I do know, especially after completing my July pantry challenge, is that I don’t do well with highly processed foods or a carb heavy diet.  I just don’t feel all that great after consuming that stuff.  I feel so much better if I eat a whole food diet and limit my carbohydrates.  I used to subscribe to the Keto lifestyle and I loved it, however I had terrible leg cramps and I really don’t want to go back to that again.  Instead, I have found that happy medium with a lower carbohydrate diet focused on lots of good, healthy produce and proteins.


I’m super excited to finally have my pantry, freezers and my long term food storage set up the way I truly want it.  Good quality, wholesome and nutritious food.  It was a process as I moved from working woman raising a family to a retired empty nester, but in the end I think it was all very much worth it.  Now, I’d better get cooking!



  1. I’m wanting this but have no idea where to begin. My pantry is FULL of processed foods 😢

    1. I donated and gave quite a bit of it away to friends because I got tired of trying to eat it myself. I took all of the Progresso soups I had left into the senior center and placed them on their free table and they were snapped right up. I just can't eat that crap anymore.


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