Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Abandoning Perfect


A little while back I shared with you that I have a super power.  With that comes a great responsibility to use those powers for good and more importantly in a healthy way that doesn’t affect my life in a way that isn’t so super, if you know what I mean.  Sometimes our super powers tend to take over and just about drive you nuts.


Since learning of my super powers I’ve been steadily working to be less super and not allow myself to be taken over by it.  The hardest thing for me has been to stop that constant need to act and have everything “perfect”.  I use quotation marks here because in all reality there is no such thing as perfect.  Perfection does not exist.  You can get close, but one will never truly achieve perfectionism.  It is an unattainable goal.


It has been a process for me, but over the past year or so I’ve been working on just being “good enough”.  Learning when to stop or just let it go as “good enough” and being okay with something that isn’t quite up to my usual standards has been hard, but it has also been incredibly liberating.


Letting someone into my home when I haven’t double or triple checked to make sure everything was super clean and in its place was something that would’ve been very uncomfortable for me.  There have been times in the past where I wouldn’t start or complete a project because it wasn’t turning out the way I wanted, it wasn’t perfect, but now that I’ve embraced “good enough” I tend to hop right in and do stuff.  I think I get more done now and I think I enjoy what I’m doing a lot more too.


The biggest thing that “good enough” has allowed me to do is accept myself, with all my flaws and imperfections, inside and out.  I like what and who I see in the mirror each day and I tell myself I’m pretty and really do I feel it.  All my life I’ve struggled with that.  I’ve never thought I was pretty or thin enough, or all that other nonsense we tend to tell ourselves.  Guess what?  I am.  And for that matter I am the only one who needs to think so.


The state of my home, my yard, my vehicles and myself is good enough on any given day, at any particular moment.  More importantly, if someone else might not think so it really doesn’t matter.  It is completely okay.  I’m okay.  Every day I keep at it, little bit by little bit.  And if sometimes that urge to make it perfect creeps in on me that is okay too as long as it doesn’t try to take over again.  If it does I just say, “ okay that is good enough, you’re excused now” and away we go.



  1. I have struggled with the perfection desire. But not only must it be perfect it must be worthwhile. I know this originates from the way I was raised. It has to be "right" any thing I did had to be worthwhile; read: gets you recognition and/or money. Thus hobbies weren't encouraged.

    I'm a person who has lots of hobbies! I've learned that's ok AND none of them have to be done perfectly!! ! Yay! I learned to focus on how good I felt in doing the stuff I loved. And I feel good! So no more guilt! Plus all the mundane stuff can be done good enough and the earth still turns and no one hates you! Hahaha

    So liberating.


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