Friday, August 23, 2024

Six Steps That Lead To Everyday Joy


Simplify Your Home 

I cannot tell you enough how much a decluttered home will transform your life.  It makes a huge difference in many, many aspects.  Because you have less stuff to manage and take care of you will need to clean less often, you will feel better when you enter a room or open a drawer, and you will alleviate a lot of stress and anxiety.  Streamlining our processes as we age is super important to our overall wellbeing.  At this stage of life we deserve to live simply and abundantly.


Live Below Your Means 

Establishing a workable budget for monthly expenses helps us to spend our money more wisely.  Allowing ourselves an allowance for guilt free spending in addition to our regular budgets makes it so we won’t feel deprived or too constricted.  If you have any debt, get rid of it as soon as possible.  Don’t carry balances on credit cards and do your best to find workable solutions before financing and paying interest.  Sometimes by just being patient and doing without something for a time those solutions will manifest themselves in unexpected ways.


Learn Something New 

Keeping our brains active is essential.  Strive to learn new things on a regular basis.  Read books, watch videos to learn new activities, take classes at your local community or senior center.  Challenge yourself to do something outside of your normal every day existence.  Try new things and don’t be afraid to do them alone.


Give To Others 

Service to others is a great way to find fulfillment in our lives.  Simple things such as sharing a meal or a conversation with someone, donating to a food pantry, surprising a friend or even a stranger with a small gift, paying for someone’s coffee in line behind you.  Hauling a trunk load of decluttered items to a thrift store can be a huge rush.


Focus On Health 

Do your best to stay active and maintain your mobility.  Walking is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy.  Make wise choices when it comes to your food by opting for wholesome real foods over heavily processed prepackage or pre-prepared items.  Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables.  Limit the amount of sugar you consume on a daily basis.  Drink plenty of water.


Practice Daily Gratitude 

Be thankful and grateful with what you have rather than pine away for the things you don’t.  There is no need to feel sorry for ourselves, for when we look around and truly assess our situation we will often find we have far more than we initially realized.  Comparing ourselves and our lives to others is completely unnecessary.  Remember comparison is the thief of joy.  If you are currently dissatisfied with the path you are traveling then all you have to do is change it.  Be joyful, be encouraged and by all means be grateful.



  1. I'm finding that doing the simple things fills my time and leaves me satisfied. And it generally costs a whole lot less!


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