Friday, January 12, 2024

Blessing Others


I enjoy blessing others and in spite of all of my budget related challenges I am still going to focus on blessing people in 2024.  Whether I’m sending some happy mail, mailing a birthday card, inviting someone for dinner or sharing a batch of homemade cookies I really enjoy giving.  I plan to continue to gather items and give to the neighborhood high school’s student pantry.


Sometimes blessing another person can be as simple as a smile or saying hello.  Stopping what I am doing to chat with a neighbor, adopting a pet from a shelter or taking old towels and blankets to one to use for kennel bedding or just helping someone in need.  I’ve taken my neighbor’s trash can in from the curb multiple times because she has to work and I know she’ll most likely be tired and just want to pull into her driveway when she gets home.


I will pick up loose trash, put away a stray shopping cart in the grocery store parking lot, hold a door for someone, help a neighbor, help a friend, help a stranger.  I frequently allow someone to merge into traffic or out of a parking lot onto a busy street.  I will take time to talk to a total stranger or simply say hello and tell them to have a great day.  I donate items to thrift stores.  I donate items to schools.  I give money to the food bank at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.


There are so many advantages to blessing others.  I like to think I’m making the world better, little bit by little bit, and in the process it makes me feel good too.  I may be changing things in ways I don’t even know about.  Perhaps someone was having a bad day and I brightened it just a little.


Maybe there is a student out there that never would’ve been in the band or orchestra, but because I donated some instruments now they can.  It might be possible that because I put away that shopping cart someone didn’t get a ding in the side of their car.  I know by adopting my cat Jack that he is having the best life ever and in return he blesses me every single day, just by being him.  Yes, I do believe there are many advantages to blessing others.



  1. What a wonderful post! I enjoy blessing others in these same ways. The little gestures really add up. Like you, I want to put good energy into the world. And there are so many no-cost ways to do it!!

  2. Yes, there are many advantages to blessing others. It brings me so much joy. I really enjoyed this post.

  3. You are right. There are so many ways to bless others. Thanks for the reminder! I'm going to strive to do better with this.

  4. Excellent post. We never know what someone has going on in their life.
    The cashier ringing up your full baskets of groceries may have no food for her children.
    Life is getting harder and many people are struggling.
    We tend to think giving to others means writing a big check. Many of us no longer have extra cash to donate.
    But the suggestions you have made are excellent ideas.
    I already make meals for my elderly male neighbor. We live in a rural area and pick up the garbage people throw on our road.
    We donate to the food bank .
    But I plan on using your ideas too.
    If we all did these small acts of kindness
    we could change things for the better.

    1. We all have the power to do something. Even something small can make a BIG impact. Enjoy your day!


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