Friday, September 6, 2024

Giving Up Ultra Processed Foods


After my pantry challenge in July I had made my goal to have only good healthy whole foods inside my home.  Since then I began on the first day of August getting back to the basics and cooking the way I always used to.  Somehow during the pandemic and for a couple years after I had veered off course a bit, but I’m very happy that I’ve managed to get myself back on track.  I now have my pantry and freezers set up and stocked exactly how I want, the way they always used to be stocked.


I am buying the best quality foods I can afford

Instead of buying canned soups I make my own with wholesome ingredients
No bioengineered or GMO ingredients for me!

Early on in my adult life purchasing ultra processed items at the grocery was just not something I did very often, mainly because I couldn’t afford to buy that crap.  I had to make sure that I got the most bang for my buck so I bought actual food and then cooked almost all of our meals from scratch and I did it for years.  Decades in fact.


Beef stir fry on steamed rice

During July I ate far more ultra processed “food” items than I normally do and it made me feel sick and awful.  Toward the end of the month I was beginning to dread my meal options and even prepared and threw out one meal because I just couldn’t eat it.  At that point I gathered up everything that remained that was ultra processed and gave it all away.  I was DONE.


Lots of fresh fruits & vegetables on the menu these days

Egg salad on toasted whole grain bread

In short order I had begun to feel sluggish and bloated and ill.  I was even having digestive issues including stomach upsets and heartburn.  Fortunately, it didn’t take long to do a complete reversal.  I was amazed and relieved at just how quickly I was able to turn things around by simply preparing healthy and nutritious whole foods from scratch and drinking loads of filtered tap water.  Within twenty four hours I was feeling a ton better and after a week I felt absolutely AMAZING!  I was feeling like I was back to my old self.  My energy levels had rebounded and I was no longer feeling ill or sluggish.  I also lost a ton of water weight.  Even better, that previous month I had developed some brain fog and that had lifted as well.


Homemade yogurt & sliced peaches

I'm keeping my meals simple with simple ingredients

When I eat ultra processed foods I find they are not all that satisfying.  I was hungry all of the time and never felt full even though I had just eaten.  I also had some serious sugar cravings.  Now that I’ve been back to my regular REAL Food eating regimen I am much more satisfied, I eat less often and smaller quantities.  I also don’t have those awful cravings to eat sugar and junk that I know isn’t good for me.  My stomach issues have resolved themselves and I don’t retain fluids either.  Bonus – I get a lot more food for my money when I only buy the REAL stuff.  It also tastes a whole lot better.  REAL Food for the WIN!!!



  1. Yes! Real food for the win! I don't eat that junk either.

    I'm amazed at people who don't think what they eat affects them in the way you describe. I think because a lot of people have always eaten that way so they just assume that they feel that way because that's the way they are and nothing can be done about it (except maybe get a prescription or OTC drug).

  2. We eat only REAL food also and I can always tell if I have something that I shouldn't be eating. My stomach bloats, I feel drained and just all together blah. This 'food' they are selling now is filled with who knows what. I mean if they label it 'may contain bioengineered ingredients', you know that is not a good sign.

  3. Can you share your recipe for egg salad?

    1. Yes I can! :D


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