Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Next 20 Years!!!


My birthday was Monday and I am 60 years old!  Whoo hoo! Yes indeed!  Here I am!  I couldn’t be happier about it, really.  Go me!!!


As my birthday approached I had been doing a lot of thinking about how I want my future to look and how I plan to live out my remaining days on this earth.  It was a lot to think about, but it was also important for me to do this so I’m not allowing my life to just simply slip away.  I don’t want to look back and realize I didn’t do some of those important things I always wanted to.


One of the things I’ve really come to terms with this year is the fact that I’m entering the final volume of my live, with many chapters still left to be written, but the reality is that my time here is definitely limited.  With my particular health issues the odds are that twenty years from now I’m not going to be around anymore.  Yes, I may defy the odds, but the truth is that I probably won’t.  As with all of us, anything can happen and we truly do not know what the future holds, but I’m a realist.  Does this make me sad?  Depressed?  Upset?  Heck no!  It just means it’s time to get busy!  I have a lot to do!


I have a tremendous faith in God and I’m not at all afraid of what happens after we leave this life.  I also believe that I don’t control my departure date and that that it is completely up to Him.  I know beyond doubt that loved ones will be waiting for me when I get there and I can hardly wait to see them again, but in the meantime I need to be patient.  Right now, I still have work to do.


My job currently is to create and enjoy the best life I possibly can and to be the best version of myself in the process.  Everyday I’m working at it.  For the first time ever I’m living life on my own terms and truly enjoying the home I’ve made.  I work hard, but not too hard.  I’m constantly seeking ways to fulfill myself and be of service to others.  I’m finding my purpose.


When it comes to ME, well I’m doing much, much better.  I’m so much nicer, kinder and far less critical in how I think about myself.  If I make a mistake I’m quick to forgive myself and move on.  I treat myself the way I would a good friend.  I love myself on a daily basis.  I cherish each wrinkle and gray hair because I know I’ve earned every single one of them.  I see beauty in myself now as I age.  I no longer worry about how my body looks, but focus more on how it is performing and I take care of it.  I’ve given myself a well deserved place of importance and I treat myself accordingly.


My goal each day is to wake up happy, make my bed, drink my coffee, drink plenty of water, eat good food (the kind I want to eat – no more diets), pray, be grateful and count my blessings, have something to look forward to and, once again, only do the things I want to do.  At the end of each day I sit and reflect and enjoy the progress that I have made.  NO BAD DAYS.


As I move through each day to come I will filter out negativity and criticism.  I will limit my exposure to things that make me anxious or uncomfortable.  I will continue to be a positive, enthusiastic and motivated person.  I will consistently seek out the things I truly want and the things that truly matter.  I will live out each day the Lord sees fit to bless me with in a way that He is pleased with.  The next 20 years are going to be epic!



  1. Happy birthday!!! Great post.
    I’m turning 60 this year on the
    13th. I share many of your thoughts.
    Take care, Janie

  2. This is a powerful manifesto - I need to get busy writing mine down as well!

  3. Happy birthday, my virtual friend! Praying you have a great day and wonderful year ahead!

  4. Happy belated birthday!!!! You are such a positive person, it's very refreshing! Wishing you all the best on your journey! May God bless you.

  5. Happy belated birthday!! 60 is a fabulous number, you are truly blessed!I am one year behind you ha ha. Thank you so much for this encouraging post, your outlook and attitude is so refreshing. Wishing you all of God's generous blessings!

    Angela :)

  6. Happy birthday!!! I went to our financial planner today and am actively working on taking my long service leave after more than 20 years in state govt. I should be able to take all of 2025 off then retire fully. I can’t wait and I’m so inspired by how well you are managing and enjoying your retirement. Have fun celebrating being 60. From Kim in Australia x

  7. (Little Penpen) Happy Birthday! Great post! I’m 61 and I feel every word that you wrote! Enjoy!!

  8. Happy Belated Birthday!! I love how you have curated the perfect life for yourself. I'm working on it too and love to hear how it is making your life even better. Cheers to another chapter of your journey!!


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