Saturday, October 26, 2024

My Tireless Retirement – Week 134


Our Fall weather has definitely arrived.  I awoke last Friday and it was 60° in the house and 36° outside.  There had been a frost advisory, however where I live it did not get that cold, however some friends that live closer to the Boise river did get frost.  I started up the fireplace to take the chill off the house in the morning and let the sunshine warm it up from there.  We are still having some warm weather afternoons.


Later that day I had the privilege of taking a group of seniors to the Stein Luminary at Boise State University.  It is an interactive educational exhibit that allows you to get up close and personal to works of art, photography as well as many other facets of computerized graphics and design.  The space photography was my favorite part.  You truly realize just how small we are in the grand scheme of things.  It was a super cool experience.


Jack helped me

I was still energized when I got home from work so I grabbed the ladder and a couple of boxes and finished picking the apples off of my tree.  I filled up both boxes and even started pruning the tree for a bit before it started to get dark.


The next morning I did some meal prepping projects I had on my list.  Baking some apple crisps was on the agenda.  I made three, kept out one and froze the other two for later.  I really needed a day spent in my kitchen doing all the things I love to do.


This week I started back to riding the bus to and from work again.  My broken toe has healed, the heat wave is no more and my knee injury (that I did not tell you about because it was stupid!  I stepped on a pear, it rolled and I hyper extended my knee in the process because I can’t do the splits – never could) is all good so I was out of excuses and, to be quite honest, ready to get back to it.  In the spirit of jumping back into it I redeem some of my rewards points I had earned by riding the bus so far this year for a $10 Kroger gift card and I have plans to use it next week for something very important.  Butter!


After work Thursday I walked over to city hall where they had set up early voting and voted.  I’m glad to have that over and done with, especially as my regular polling place is not near my house, for whatever reason, so now I don’t have to drive out of the way to go vote on November 5th.  I walk past city hall every day on my way to and from the bus station so this was super convenient and I was able to get right in and out.  I’m just glad to be done and have it behind me.


I used the last of my birthday money to order the new raised garden bed I want to add to my backyard as well as a hoop tunnel system so I can hopefully keep the grasshoppers off my plants next year and slow down the squirrels from wreaking havoc.  The garden bed was on clearance for 35% OFF and the hoop tunnel was half price.

A couple of you asked for my Thai soup recipe so here you go!


This weekend I’m planning to continue with my work outside pruning the apple tree and getting all of the limbs cut up and ready for the weekly pick up.  What has been keeping you busy lately?


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the soup recipe. I don't have the red curry paste but I have the ingredients to make it so that will be my first step. My plan is to make it tonight or tomorrow so I have it for next week.

    I spent $4 today on bargain produce. I'll spend time later today prepping it for the fridge or freezer. I'm excited because the bargains have gotten fewer. I got lettuce, 5 bell peppers, 2 small bags of oranges, bag of limes, package of mushrooms, bag of snap beans, 1 yellow squash and a zucchini.


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