Wednesday, October 2, 2024

New Cardiologist!


Just over a month ago I had my annual visit to the cardiologist.  It has been a bit of a battle for me in the last four years to find a practitioner that is able to meet my needs, other than when I visited the Mayo Clinic.  For one thing, I have a rather complicated medical history and I’m blessed to have a couple lesser known disorders that I am dealing with, hence the trip to Minnesota back in 2021.  Even still, please just listen to what I am saying.  You know what I mean?


Along with my medical issues I was also battling Mayo Clinic bias.  My doctors were not interested nor were they willing to take any direction from the Mayo Clinic.  At one time I was even told by one cardiologist that I had made a wasted trip and didn’t really need to go there even though she did admit that there is no doctor in the state of Idaho that specializes or treats patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia, the whole reason for that trip.  Most doctors have never even heard of it.  Another one thought I had Fibromyalgia and actually had the audacity to tell me it was all in my head and that Fibromyalgia isn’t even a real disorder.  I couldn’t get out of his office fast enough.  I’m sure there are plenty of people with Fibromyalgia that would beg to differ.  What a jerk!


I have a new practitioner now and I love her. She is young, open to conversation and has a vast knowledge of women’s heart issues and the unique problems they face with those issues and in seeking treatment.  A little over a year ago I had shared with you my frustration with the side effects from one of the medications I was taking.  Well, guess what?  I’m not taking that one anymore.


She told me I should have been taken off of that medication and prescribed something else because of all of the side effects I was experiencing plus, and even more importantly, I am also very much allergic to it.  In the past two years I had become allergic to that medication and was experiencing hives on a regular basis.  When I saw the cardiologist last year and told him about it he told me to keep taking it because it was the best medication for my condition and unless I became anaphylactic I’d be okay.  He then suggested I take an over the counter allergy medication to combat the hives, but he didn’t tell me which one.  I left there feeling so dejected, unheard and uncared about and I shared this with my new practitioner.


She took me off the medication (it has a staggering long list of potential side effects) and adjusted another one I am currently taking and doing well with to help me with what I was taking the other one for. Then she told me the hives would go away as would the dizzy spells, I would no longer feel so tired and I’d get my energy back, plus I’d probably start to feel a lot better too.  The excessive sweating I’ve been dealing with since the get-go , and my chief complaint, would go away within the next couple of weeks as the medication got out of my system.  Thank you God!  That has been absolutely miserable.  She also said my weight would start to go back down and I’d stop steadily gaining!  You would think I’d just won the lottery with all of that good news!  I left my appointment feeling hopeful for the first time since all of this started four years ago.


But wait!  There’s more!  The next day she contacted me with even better news.  The results of the test I had done the day before showed my heart has completely healed from my heart attacks in 2021 (finally!) and is strong and healthy.  All we have to do is take care of its little defects, which is what we are doing now, so it stays that way and keep doing what I’ve been doing to avoid too much stress and manage my anxiety.  I am now physically able to do whatever I feel I can do with no restrictions.  Whooo hooooo!  Isn’t life just the best?!


Since then my life has improved substantially.  I am no longer sweating like I’ve just run a marathon on a 100° day and I have not broken out in hives either.  I am sleeping much better at night because I am no longer tossing and turning and throwing off the covers to cool down from what feels like monster hot flashes for twelve hours straight.  My deodorant is working once again.  You are welcome!


My energy levels are back to a normal level and I haven’t had any of those days where I feel so exhausted I can barely move.  My weight is steadily going back down.  I can exercise again without feeling dizzy and short of breath.  The best part is I no longer feel like I’m fighting with my own body just trying to get it to function normally.  At my last appointment the cardiologist said the goal is to make me feel better, not worse and I think we are doing just that.  I am ever so grateful I persevered and kept at it until I found a practitioner that would listen to me and was willing to do something to help me.  There were many times I felt like giving up, but I am forever grateful that I found her.  It feels amazing to feel normal again!



  1. Great news!!! It's an amazing feeling to find a doctor who actually listens and works with you instead of against you. Congrats on all your hard work and for the progress you've made!!

  2. I am so happy for you! What a journey you've been on! Wishing you healthy days ahead!

  3. I am so happy that you have a found a physician that listens and knows what they are doing. Medication side effects are nothing to take lightly.

  4. That is amazing. It is like finding a needle in a haystack. I have had cancer 4 times and I have built an amazing and incredibly talented team of physicians. Being a nurse has helped. I am so happy for you. I am slowly getting my life back after having cancer last year. It has been the hardest journey of my life, but God and my family I am here today.

  5. Congratulations on finding such a gem of a cardiologist! To have a doctor who HEARS what you are saying is such a relief!

    And how wonderful that your ticker is healed. I think it's in no small part due to your positivity and your generosity in sharing this blog with the world. A heart as big as yours can't be kept down for long.

    So much good news! Does a heart good to hear it, as well! ;^) ;^)

    1. Oh, thank you so much Sue. I appreciate your kind words. XX

  6. I am a o happy for you.

  7. (Little Penpen) such good news!!! So happy for you! I worked with a dr one time who also thought fibromyalgia was a term for “people who just couldn’t handle life.” He was also a jerk!

  8. Such good news! I'm so happy for you!

    Sadly, your experience is common. Doctors always act like side effects are no big deal. I've found most don't even discuss side effects. And if you bring it up they'll happily prescribe something for that!

  9. It really makes me angry on your behalf how hard you had to fight to get proper treatment. I have a medical issue that everyone either wants to ignore and/or pretend all symptoms I ever have are related to it. I get that lupus is a complex diagnosis, but sometimes I have other problems!

    The good news is so very awesome! So happy for you. (Hawaii Planner)


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