Saturday, August 12, 2023

Frustration Loading


Oh my gosh you guys!  In the past year my weight has been steadily increasing and I was really beginning to worry about it.  I was told it was due to two things – my heart condition and the medication I’m taking, but geez Louise, not only were my pants getting tighter but I felt like garbage and I was really struggling with my energy levels.  They were up and down like a roller coaster.  And my mental state was suffering as well.  I was feeling terrible about the weight gain and my overall sluggishness.  It was really tearing me down.  To add insult to injury I’d also been having a lot of skin issues.


I made the decision in June to dump the recommended “cardiac diet” and go back on Keto and try to get some of this weight off and then I’d follow a healthy low carb diet after that.  Amazingly though, my weight would not budge.  Even after my staycation when we did all that hiking and healthy eating.  Nope.  In fact, I actually gained two more pounds and I was feeling absolutely hopeless.  I was about to do a giant face plant into a huge Costco size tub of ice cream and gobble it all up in one sitting.  With chocolate syrup.  And sprinkles.  I was feeling so discouraged.


But, instead, I got on the Mayo Clinic patient website and did some research.  The Mayo Clinic was never averse to my Keto lifestyle, but one of my cardiologists here in Boise was having kittens over it and wanted me to do a Mediterranean diet instead.  Yeah, way too many carbs for me on that plan.  I tried it and even modified the carbs some, but it still left me feeling sluggish and I told her that.  She wanted me to stay on it, so I did, for a while.


After much thought, I put aside my ice cream dreams and decided to stay strictly Keto only this time around I did a more drastic approach, because being overweight and retaining fluid isn’t good for my heart either.  This time I decided to commit to a four week Keto-OMAD diet and see if that might jolt my body into letting go of this weight.  It isn’t an approach I took lightly, or would necessarily recommend for just anyone, but it worked.


Keto-OMAD is a One Meal A Day approach to reset your body and get you moving into a fat burning cycle to shed weight.  You basically just eat one meal a day and clear liquids the rest of the time like broth, water, coffee or tea, etc.  The first four days nothing happened (my body was being stubborn!), but I didn’t gain anything so I kept going and on day five I was down a pound.  Definitely heading in the direction I wanted to see.  After one week though I was back up half a pound, but I kept with it and at my next weigh in on day ten I was down two pounds.  I kept going.  After three full weeks I was down five pounds and was stuck there for a while but I was feeling much better.  My mind was clearer, I was sleeping better and my energy level was up and steady.  I felt like I could consistently do things and think more clearly.  I kept on going.


According to my Mayo Clinic research I was not losing weight too fast and I knew my nutrition was good so I kept it up and completed week four.  Now that I feel I have a better handle on things I’m back to my usual two meals per day and steadily losing the extra weight I don’t need to carry around and most importantly I feel so much better.  Will I go back to eating carbs?  Yes.  But, not very often.  I like my Keto lifestyle.  I feel better both physically and mentally when I eat lean and clean.  If the Mayo Clinic says I can, then I can.  My cardiologist here is just going to have to deal with it.  She also told me not to go hiking up any hills while the Mayo Clinic cardiologist and my other one here in Boise told me to hike away!  No restrictions.  We’ll see what she says when I see her on the 24th of this month.  I’m thinking it will go well.


In my own personal opinion not all physician advice is correct for everyone.  There are always differing opinions.  I trust my doctors at the Mayo Clinic and I know that being overweight with heart issues isn’t okay for me.  I have to be active and sharp otherwise, my quality of life is diminished and that’s definitely not okay with me.  Oh!  And my skin issues have begun to go away.  What I’m doing now feels right but, if I show you pictures of my meals and you see carbs I don’t want you to freak out or anything because I will occasionally indulge myself.  My goal is to simply get myself as healthy as possible and still enjoy my life.  And true to my nature, I just have to do my own thing.  We all need to do our own thing. 😁



  1. It’s so annoyingly when you get 2 different opinions from medical professionals. When I had knee replacement last fall my orthopedic PA told me I’d need to stay downstairs the first week but a nurse told me I could “walk” up stairs. Guess what I went upstairs the moment I got home. It hurt and took awhile but I did it

    1. Yes it is! And good for you! If I had waited a week I think all it would've done is made me afraid to try.

  2. Great post today! I am convinced that we are all different and that the trick is to figure out what your body needs. I too cannot eat lots of carbs without gaining weight, and cannot lose weight without upping my protein and also limiting carbs…just the way my body works. Took me forever to figure it out ;). Hilogene in Az.

  3. Thank you for this honest post. I went keto in 2018 after reading your journey and relating to your physical and mental (foggy brain) issues. I did well and felt so much better once I converted. Since my husband got sick and passed away a year ago, I have gained 15 pounds and reverted to the old way of eating. I FEEL LIKE CRAP, NO ENERGY, DIFFICULTY THINKING! I have tried and failed several times to get back to this way of eating. Thank you for sharing your struggle and making me feel not alone. I am going to try again to get back on it and stop letting my emotions rule my life.

    1. I did eat my emotions last summer when my youngest left home. I admit that. We can do better and no, you are definitely not alone. After a couple months of Keto I've done a complete 180.

  4. Well, this has certainly been an issue on my mind. I am 57, about to turn 58, and have no energy most days. Some days are great, most I feel sluggish. I am so confused by the topic of food because, as you demonstrated with the two differing medical opinions, every body contradicts the other. There is information overload and it just basically paralyzes me and I just keep eating the way I always have. Throw in the natural menopausal weight gain and I hate my body now. It's been so hot, so we haven't been walking, which I know contributes to not feeling my best. But, I need to do better. There's my confession for the day :) Thanks for listening :)

  5. I wonder if hormone play a role as it plays a vital role in all aspect of women health, I'm just getting into the perimenopause age and wanting to learn what's going to happen to my body and there are surprisingly little info readily available out there. I know intermittent fasting helps with rapid weight loss but not suppose to be on very strict basis for women, I have no experience with keto diet. About once a month I do acupuncture and cupping, it helps me tremendously with sluggishness and really good for maintenance. If one thing I've learned, definitely listen to your own body as doctors can be trained a certain way in medical schools and may not always know what's best for you.

  6. I've been struggling with my blood glucose levels for a while now and tried vegan and vegetarian and it worked for a few years but this last winter it stopped working and I got a high A1C result. My doctor frustratingly gave me no advice but to "do what I do" and research it myself. Well I started walking again and ended up on keto and my glucose meter results backed it up. This trip to the doctor my A1C was in the normal range and my triglycerides dropped 100 points and she says as she finishes the appointment that she's glad to see the low fat diet worked then she leaves the appointment before I can say it's Keto, haha! Once every week or two I will have a carnivore day because it kills my sugar cravings.-Kathryn

  7. Good for you! I had a T2D diagnosis the end of March that shook me to the core. I did research online because I am not a drug person. Found Dr Jason Fung and started a Fasting/Keto livestyle. Now I'm more Ketovore. Found Dr Ken Berry and would do all Carnivore but I still like my non-carby veg. I do several IF a week (24-48 hours) and have lost 23lbs in 5 months. Not as quick as I would like but I had a July of lots of eating off plan (family visit, celebrations). I recently did a 66 hour sardine challange which I feel kicked me over a stall. My next 48 hour fast was super easy. This week I will do 2 42 hours and a 24. I feel so much better. Little pain, clearer thinking. This is a lifestyle I can keep on with for the rest of my life. (PS There is lots of great research on Fasting and Carnivore if anyone is interested. Go check out both of those doctors on YT.)


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