Monday, August 14, 2023

My Tireless Retirement - Week 71


Oh my holy gosh you guys, what a busy week I’ve had!  Last week I shared with you I was working on a big, huge project so I began my week by continuing on that.  I’m two weeks into it and nearing the finish line.  Midweek I had to stop because I was waiting for supplies to arrive in an Amazon order.  I couldn’t just sit around waiting so I ended up working on another project I had no intention of starting until late fall and working on it this winter.


Oh what a mess!

Well, the mood struck and with this particular project I know from experience that when the mood strikes I’d better go with it.  So I did!  It’s an even larger project than the one I had already started so why not just pile it on?  My dining room was a complete disaster as I sorted, purged and reorganized over 100 years of photographs taken by my ancestors as well as myself.  I was able to get everything into brand new albums (I had purchased these about three years ago) and I have no more loose photos in boxes or any photo envelopes now.


My dad on the left and me on the right
We were both in first grade when these were taken

And I didn’t just stop there.  I logged onto the family ancestry site and spent four hours updating information and loading scanned photos of people all the way back to my great grandparents.  Now everyone has a photo to go next to their name so we know what they looked like and I’ve updated dates and places of importance.


This box is gone!  Goal complete!

I had recently posted about journaling your autobiography and as I was working on this mammoth project I realized I could use these new albums as journals.  I compiled all the information I have on my parents, grandparents and great grandparents and added that to album number one which ends when I graduated high school and moved out on my own.  Then my next album is my oldest’s childhood so I got that one nearly done too.  I keep coming up with ideas of things to add to it.  Next I’ll be working on albums three and four together as they’re about my life after adopting my daughters all the way to present day.


I miss my grandma everyday

My grandparents on their wedding day in 1941

I am so excited about this project because of the importance of my family history and the fact that these journals will be heirlooms to pass onto future generations.  As I’m working I’m finding all kinds of good stuff to add to my first journal about my grandparents.  It is like a treasure hunt.


I used 2 inch D ring binders to make my albums and
added scrapbook paper to dress up the covers

My Amazon order arrived so now I’ll be switching gears back to the “BIG HUGE” project and the “MAMMOTH” one will be waiting, but not for too long.  I don’t want to lose my momentum plus I’m having a lot more fun with it than I originally thought I would.  Before it was just an daunting and overwhelming project that I’d been dreading, but I knew, if I were to go, all that information would be lost and it would just be a bunch of old photos in a box left for someone else to try to deal with.


Another hint about the BIG HUGE project

In between projects I’ll try to get back to regular life as well.  I hope you had a fantastic week my friends.  Let me know what you were up to!  I love hearing from you.  And tell me.  Do any of you have a project like mine that needs to be tackled?



  1. Great job! Can't wait to see the projects in detail and the results ! I have a job related to photos, too, but it's scanning about a dozen albums so that I can keep digital copies instead of physical copies. As I've moved and downsized, I no longer have space for 20+ scrapbooks, and I need to get going so I can clear up some space in our new rental.

  2. Photos also..(Oh, the idea makes me cringe,😆) I need to get new albums. Really put stuff together.
    You have done a great job. You so encourage me.TY.
    I have been pulling out fall decor[for my porch]. Washing artificial flowers, etc. Decluttering stuff I know longer want. It was *96 today, and the outside shed felt like it was *125...😆 I am going to clean porch , and get it ready for fall decor. Will be here before I know it!!!

  3. I also am onto this awesome mammoth project. I’m glad I have a scanning app on my phone. When in downtime I can scan and note on photos.
    I’ve been in contact with my husbands (genealogical interested ) cousin and he has been a wealth of information on both the grandparents ancestors.
    I copy all of the information on multiple memory sticks.
    Some will go to my brothers as I am the holder of our family photos. Some will also go to my children, some to other family members.

    You are right it is labour intensive but your future self and family will thank-you.

    When my parents died and in particular my mother and her sister(unmarried) I went to a photographer who photographed the old family photos and made copies. It was expensive, but I knew I needed to do it for the family as my aunt had been the keeper of the photos.


    1. It has taken me years and years to get through it all. This past week was the final push and it feels amazing. Best of luck as you work your way through your project as well.


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