Friday, October 18, 2024

Pruning Trees & Cleaning Up Garden Beds - Section 2


After completing the backyard cleanup and pruning the pear tree it was time to move forward and tackle the next section which was the back half of the yard that runs along the side of my house.  I began simply by taking down the two retractable clotheslines.



With much sadness I have to report that my Norway Maple tree is dying and cannot be saved.  This tree was the glory of this section of my yard and would provide a gorgeous shaded canopy over this section that I used to park a couple yard chairs under so we could sit and enjoy the pond and a cold beverage.  It was my favorite part of my yard.  This spring beetles moved in and it was amazing just how quickly they destroyed this lovely tree.  It breaks my heart.  I am having it professionally removed and the stump ground out in a few weeks.  With the removal of that tree it means a few things will be changing in this area next spring.


I will truly miss this tree 😭

Across from the maple tree the two boxwoods and the euonymus bush got a trim.  I cleaned up around the little pond area as well as where the hose bib area is.  I drained and removed one of the hoses and both sprinklers so they are now put away for the season.


Lastly, I had to finish cutting up and disposing of all the limbs I had removed from the pear tree in the backyard and had piled in this section.  Over the period of two weeks I was able to cut them up and set them at the curb each week for pick up.  I also have a couple paper leaf bags in the garage filled with small leaf and twig debris for when that collection period begins next month.


All gone!

Things are starting to really shape up around here.  I’m getting excited!


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