Saturday, October 19, 2024

My Tireless Retirement – Week 133


Last Friday I was pleasantly surprised to see Albertson’s offer me another $5 OFF A $5 Purchase digital coupon and they had cheese on sale.  Guess who got a two pound bag of grated Monterey Jack cheese for only $1.99?  Yep, that would be me.


After I got home I packed a bag and flew down early Saturday morning to help an older family member in need of some assistance with a huge life change.  I won’t go into details as to what all of that entailed as I want to protect that person’s privacy, however suffice it to say it was both physically and emotionally exhausting.  I would give anything for them not to have to go through what they have, but I do feel I did the best I could under the circumstances to make things better.  After all was said and done I flew back home Tuesday afternoon and I was never so happy to get back to my humble little abode and my critters in all my life.  I appreciate so much what I currently have and where I am in life at the present time.  I definitely do not take that for granted in anyway.


When I got home all I wanted to do was cuddle with my kitties and give the bunny and chickens some love as well.  I really missed them.  I nearly squeezed the guts out of my kitties I was so happy to see them.  Then I just wanted to fix myself a good home cooked meal.  While I was gone I tried my best to eat healthy, but it just isn’t easy.  I did find some better options, but I honestly just prefer my own cooking.  Even my own coffee seems to taste better.  I was able to quickly pull together a good hot meal by using a couple of my home canned jars and boiling a little pasta to make myself some penne with sausage and peppers.  It tasted wonderful!


Just being back to my regular life and schedule worked wonders in helping me get back into the swing of things.  I got up early Wednesday morning to get a couple of errands done.  When the next grocery ad broke I redeemed my points earned from all of my prescriptions I’d picked up recently for a $1 OFF digital coupon and used it to buy a five pound bag of red potatoes on sale for $1.99 paying only 99¢.  I used some change in my wallet to pay for that huge purchase.  After that I picked up a bale of hay at the feed store for Little Miss Bunny Fu Fu.  She is so stinking cute and I think she actually missed me while I was gone.


I worked a few hours that afternoon and all day Thursday.  On Thursday the Boise Farmer’s Market truck pulled up at work with a load of fresh, locally grown, organic produce to offer to us for FREE!  I was so excited!  I selected a nice head of romaine, a bunch of kale and a bell pepper.  When I got home from work I made myself a beautiful BLT salad for my dinner and it tasted so darn good.  I’ll be making those much more often.


While my week started out a little bumpy it sure did end on a bright note.  Free produce, a couple good deals at the grocery store and some delicious home cooked meals do wonders.  Not to mention all of the good kitty and bunny snuggles.  I hope you all enjoyed a good week.  Hug your loved ones and make sure they know how much you love them.  Have a great week ahead!



  1. I truly enjoy yr posts. Thanks for blogging.

  2. I'm so glad you could help your family out. There is nothing like traveling to make me appreciate my own home and bed so much! And yes, most definitely the fur babies! And feathered babies too, in your case! Yay for the good deals!


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