Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Afternoon Tea


It is getting downright civilized around here.  As part of my new daily routine I instituted an afternoon tea break around 3:00 each afternoon in order to get myself to stop, take a break and enjoy a small treat and a beverage.  I have a really bad habit of when I'm working on a project or set of projects to just go, go, go until I'm either finished or drop from fatigue.  It is a habit I'm trying to break myself of.


chocolate cake - yum!

Each day I have a mid morning coffee break and then a mid afternoon break for tea and a small healthy snack or dessert.  "Tea" can be pretty much anything - water, sparkling water, hot tea, iced tea or whatever else I happen to be in the mood for.  A small glass of wine has happened…. 😉


homemade yogurt & berries

Fruit, nuts, a slice of banana bread, a small piece of cake, etc., has been a nice treat for me and a great way to keep me going until supper time which is usually sometime between 6:00 or 7:00 each evening.


raspberry cheesecake

It forces me to take a break, get myself hydrated and then I'm ready to continue on.  I'm really glad I've added this practice to my daily routine.  This is a good one.

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