Monday, May 2, 2022

My Thrifty Retirement - Week 4


I've just completed my first month as a retired person and I have to tell you, it was a bit of a struggle, both emotionally and physically.  For one thing I felt a bit guilty, almost as if I didn't deserve to be retired and then I felt like I was doing something wrong like playing hooky.  Not to mention I felt like I wasn't doing enough and being productive.  It was the stupidest thing ever!  I had to have a serious talk with myself and knock it off because I was getting very stressed.  The other thing I battled the first few weeks was sheer exhaustion.  I had no idea I was that tired and rundown.  It really surprised and concerned me, but I'm happy to report I'm well rested, feeling more like my normal self and doing just fine.  And I don't feel any guilt or angst about being retired now either.  I know for certain I absolutely deserve this.


I very much enjoyed my week tinkering in my house and my yard (in between weather systems) and I feel I was adequately productive.  Sunday it was nice enough outside that I hung a load of wash on the lines to dry.  I haven't done that in a good long time and oh my goodness that fresh smell on your clothes is heavenly.


I got a notice in the mail that our electricity rates are going up again.  I'm really not surprised, but now I'm challenged to be even more conservative.  My daughter and I had a good discussion about it one night during dinner.  Ironically, that happens to be something she is studying in her science class right now so it made for a really good discussion.  We came up with some good ideas and it looks like I'll be experimenting a bit more.


From this...

I gathered up all of the jars and holders with spent candles in them.  I'm always amazed at how much wax is still left in there once the wick burns out so I can't waste it.  I filled up my slow cooker and spent half the day melting wax and pouring myself new candles.  By the time I was done I had a large two wick candle, a medium candle and a small votive.  I went ahead and cleaned out two of the candle jars with lids to repurpose and the rest of the empty glass went out to the recycle bin which is now full.  I have now have the space back in my hall closet and three lovely scented candles to enjoy.


... to this!

My darling daughter went out for a bite to eat with her boyfriend one evening and the restaurant they were at was giving away their well used basil plants so she brought one home to me.  It was looking pretty bedraggled, but with a little water and a lot of encouragement it seems to have bounced back and is growing fresh leaves again.  I am so excited about this plant as my efforts to grow one of my own has yet to work out.


I hope you all had a wonderful week and a fabulous month of April.



  1. Oh I so remember the exhaustion. The first 6 weeks I was retired I slept a whopping 9-11 hours every single night! And this from a person who had slept 4.5-6/night for over 20 years. Retirement didn't feel real for months, more like a vacation during which I should relax and do only things I truly wanted to do.

    You're doing great!!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much for telling me this. I can totally relate here. Holy moly.

  2. I am getting ready to retire 6/30 so this is definitely something I will try to remember for that time. I will also be moving during the month of July so I imagine it will be August before these feelings hit me but good to know ahead of time. Thank you for sharing this information!

  3. Yes, the feeling of guilt, or that you really should be somewhere else, or you forgot to do something, is ongoing for quite awhile I'm afraid! It was months before I could really relax and feel comfortable in my new retired skin. It takes awhile, but once the feeling subsides there is NOTHING more relaxing and invigorating, to know your time is ALL your own; to spend as you wish! Take your time and enjoy, it's a process!

    1. A lot of surprising emotions. My goodness! Glad I'm not the only one. Thank you Jacque.

    2. Guilt? Please please please do not feel guilty for one more minute. I suspect, like me, you worked (and saved) your tail off for decades to get to this point. I know that I put in enough extra hours (unpaid since going salary in 1992) to equal working an additional 9y full time which would get me to age 67. Nothing irks me more than someone telling me "you are so lucky to retire early". H#%@ no, I worked my butt off for this.

      ENJOY the fruits of your labor. Take time to smell the roses. Keep your calendar empty so that you can do whatever you want to, in the moment. THIS is what you've worked for....go forth and enjoy :-)

    3. You are so right. Luck has nothing to do with it. We worked hard! :)

  4. Do you add water to the slow cooker or just the candles?

    1. I do put a little bit of water in the bottom of the cooker


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