Monday, August 1, 2022

My Thrifty Retirement - Week 17


It's August!!  And I've just completed the first four months of early retirement.  We're talking one third of a year.  That went quick!  And!  This is the first time in thirty some years I'm not going to be getting a kid ready for back-to-school.  That's should save me a small fortune.


It was still a hot week weather wise, lots of triple digits, so I concentrated my efforts on indoor projects around the house.  Along with renovating the second bedroom upstairs I have a lengthy "honey-do" list of odd little projects to complete so plenty of things to keep me busy while I waited for the carpet I ordered to arrive.  There are just so many things I want to do around here.


I was a powerhouse on Sunday though.  I finished painting the bedroom, the door and all the trim with two coats of a fresh crisp white paint.  Wow!  What a difference.  Nothing quite like rolling on a few strokes of new paint onto the walls to let you know just how dingy your "white" walls got.  It feels so good to have that done.


Any guesses as to what this is?

Needless to say the bedroom renovation consumed the majority of my week and I'll be posting more details on that coming up very soon.  I finished everything up on Thursday and I am thrilled with how nice it all turned out.  Better than I had imagined and I absolutely love it!  But, no rest for the weary, I immediately launched right into my next construction project and I am having a ball.


My mission for the week was to prepare meals and eat from what I already had in the refrigerator, freezer and pantry and not do any shopping for groceries.  I had plenty so there was really no point to shopping for more.  Plus, as I was going through things, I realized I had quite a bit in the kitchen freezer so I'm planning to work my way through what is in there in the next few weeks or so.  Therefore, I did not do any grocery shopping last week.


I made this miniature crochet set

Is it super hot where you live right now?  I hope you are doing well and staying cool.  Take care, be safe and God bless my friends.



  1. I'm making a pot of barley beef stoup out of the freezer: 1 brick beef stock from a pot roast, 2 bricks of chicken stock from a carcass, 4c green beans, 10oz sliced roast beef and 1c barley. Lunch for 2 the rest of the week! (I freeze stock in 2c bricks).

    2 dinners this week will be pulled pork from the freezer and a cabbage/onion stir fry-veg from our CSA.

    LOVE eating from the freezer. I'm going to need the space soon as the garden starts producing something besides zucchini ;-)


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