Monday, October 31, 2022

My Tireless Retirement - Week 30


Happy Halloween everyone!  Anybody passing out candy tonight?  I picked up some fruit snacks and a bag of Dum Dums to hand out.  I got them at Dollar Tree and it should be enough as we don't get very many trick-or-treaters at our house.  We are kind of off the beaten path at the end of a cul de sac.


After spending an entire week at home enjoying my "staycation" I was a little bit stir crazy and behind in my chores a little bit.  Sunday afternoon I headed off to Dollar Tree, Albertson's to pick up a few items I had digital reward coupons for as well as some sales items, but mostly for a little social interaction.  Since I was out and about I also swung by the library and dropped off the DVDs I had borrowed.


On Monday I headed off in the opposite direction and went to the Fred Meyer gas station as well as the store.  I added my $25 dollar monthly fuel allotment to my pickup truck which nearly filled the tank.  Both of my vehicles were sitting at a half tank so it was a tossup which one I chose to add fuel to this month and I picked the truck.  She's my favorite.  After fueling up I went into the store and picked up the handful of items on sale that had peaked my interest along with a FREE bottle of salad dressing I had a digital coupon for.  Then I headed back home.  Between the two trips to the grocery store I have more than enough to keep me going for the next two weeks I think.  We shall see how long I can stretch this out.


It got cold fast around here and we got some much needed rain too.  I dug out my winter robe, winter blanket for my bed, and got things pretty much set up for winter inside the house.  I even ended up wearing my fuzzy socks to bed one night.  I do believe winter is on its way.  So far, thankfully, using just the fireplace has been enough to keep the house comfortable.


I dug around in my bathroom and found some press on nails

I kind of let the household chores slide a bit while I was "staycationing".  About all I did was fix my meals, take care of my animals, do my dishes and one load of laundry.  It didn't take me long to get caught back up though.  I just followed my weekly schedule and everything was clean and tidy in with no extra effort or time required.  I love this way of keeping house.


The neighborhood raccoons are complete a$$holes.  They knocked over the bird bath and got the faux lilies out of my pond and ripped them all apart.  They've also left half eaten apples all over my yard and outdoor furniture.  Little snots!


My goal for feeding myself this week was to eat up all of the leftovers from meals I had prepared the week prior as well as use up all the odds and ends of opened packages of various items I had collected in the fridge.  I made myself a use it up pile and enjoyed quite a few nice little meals last week.  I made a hot dog sandwich, a grilled cheese sandwich, a fried egg & cheese sandwich and two poached eggs on a slice of toast which used up a couple leftover hotdogs, an opened package of sliced colbyjack cheese and the end of a loaf of keto bread.  I went through the crisper drawer and chopped up a bunch of veggies adding a partial bag of frozen broccoli florets to cook up a really nice stir fry with some leftover chicken making for three delicious meals.  No food waste at this house, that's for sure!


That was my week.  How was yours?



  1. Oh those raccoons! I think I would have someone set a live trap and relocate those boogers. lol We've lived here for almost 7 years and have never had a trick or treater. I've stopped buying the candy, and may get caught one day! Your week sounds great and I like the nails!

    1. I probably won't get any trick-or-treaters, but I figured since I'll actually be at home this year I'd caught. LOL

  2. I found some solar powered sensor lights on amazon to aim at my garden to keep the raccoons out. So far it has worked.

    1. Good for you! I'm glad that works. I do have the solar lights out but, our raccoons are so used to the lights here in the city, they don't care anymore. Little brats.

  3. I'm wondering -- our county loans out free live traps for pesky animals. Maybe you could get rid of the raccoons this way? Says a lot about your chicken coop that they're not getting in there, too... the other possibility: an air rifle. But then you have to stay up and lay in wait.

    1. I checked into that a few years ago. They only do skunks. I'd have to hire a private trapper at $300 a pop and the problem is you get one and then another moves in to take its place. I've also thought about the airsoft..... but like you said, you have to stay up all night. I'm thinking electric fence.


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