Monday, April 10, 2023

My Tireless Retirement - Week 53


Hello, hello everyone!  During the past few weeks our weather has been ridiculous for this time of year.  March came in like a lion and left like one too.  Mother Nature has thrown everything our way and with loads of little things on my "to do" list I was starting to go a bit stir crazy.  While I do love to be at home, especially when the weather is cold and nasty outside, I also tend to become easily bored and I get a bit antsy.  I've been itching to be outside to finish cleaning up the winter yard debris and tidy things up outside.  You know how yucky everything looks after a hard winter?  And I've had this stinking "to do" list, a punch list of lots of little things needing to be taken care of around here that has been nagging at me.


Done! 😁

Fortunately, I've been able to tunnel that nervous energy onto some indoor projects and tick several items off of my punch list.  I've been making small repairs that have needed to be completed for a while, finished some trim in various areas of the house, touched up paint here and there and replaced the last door knob on the hall closet.  All my door knobs are now updated. I finally finished the trim at the foot of the stairs using up some items I had on hand out in the garage so now purchases were necessary, save for a new tube of painters caulk I had purchased last fall.  I am so happy with the final results.


With all of my home improvement & RV projects pretty much completed
it is time to let the rest of this stuff go

More decluttering and reorganizing was on the "to do" list.  I managed to get out in the garage and finish up the decluttering I had started this winter and I was pretty ruthless about it.  I hauled a full recycle bin to the curb, a full bin of glass to the collection center, given away gobs of stuff on the Facebook buy nothing page and hauled another load to the thrift store.  I even got rid of my scrap wood and trim pile!  No joke, I really did!


I offered up the ginormous charcoal grill in my backyard to someone that could use it on Facebook Markeplace.  I haven't used it in ages.  I dismantled an old gas camp grill I had saving only the metal grilling rack to use for camping and let the rest go.  I just got rid of a bunch of stuff in my backyard that I no longer need, want or use.  Plant pots, bricks, a window I had thought I might use in the chicken coop at one time, a pile of scrap wood from my home renovations, a pet carrier and some firewood.


Bye bye piles o' crap

There was even enough of a break in the weather for me to do a bit of yard work.  I filled up three big trash cans full of wet soggy leaves.  The chickens are having a great time going through them after I dumped two trash cans full of the leaves in their pen area.  The last trash can I filled with leaves was also full of sticks, twigs and some trash that had blown into the yard so I set that one on the curb for collection.  It sure looks nicer now when I look out the windows.


Every day!

It was a really good week for me, very productive.  How are things going in your neck of the woods?  Do you still have cold stormy weather?  Are you able to get outside much at all?



  1. How wonderful to get that all done, very freeing I would imagine. Snow is melting quickly, mud will hopefully dry up as quickly. Chris is out of town this week so I usually weed through things and toss or donate while he is away.

    1. Have fun getting rid of stuff! I can't believe how much fun I'm having doing that right now. Ha, ha!

  2. Happy you were able to get all this done. Feels so good, doesn't it? I took a big bag of pillows , and a box of things I had from decluttering this week, to thrift store.
    Weather here has been nice this week. *70. I gave the shed a good cleaning and decluttered it also. Lots of stuff went to roadside to be picked up.

  3. Thank you for sharing! You blog is my favorite, so uplifting and very inspirational.


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