Friday, April 14, 2023

Streamlining & Updating My Technology

I recently mentioned I've been decluttering my technology items.  It has been a process, let me tell you.  Most of my stuff is old and worn, I've literally run the wheels right off of it.  In the past few weeks my cell phone died and I had to replace it, my laptop finally gave it up and the backup laptop did as well.  I can't blog without a laptop!  Fortunately I had planned to replace a couple things this year and had already set aside funds to cover those expenses.  I ordered a replacement cell phone and a laptop just before I was completely dead in the water.  But, before I made these purchases I did some serious thinking about what I truly needed and how I was planning to use these items because if you are not careful it is really easy to over buy.


My new laptop with an external DVD rom & new cell phone
This is primarily all I really need

I intend to use a cell phone to make and receive phone calls and texts, use Google maps and occasionally check my email or look up something on the internet.  That's pretty much it.  Basic, simple, nothing over the top.  I don't live my life with my cell phone constantly in my hand, it doesn't rule my life and I'm not one who just has to be on it all the time.  I don't particularly care for cell phones all that much.  In fact, I'm lucky if I remember to take it with me when I leave the house or plug it in and charge it before the battery dies.  In addition, I intend to use a laptop primarily to write, plan my life, pay bills, track my finances, watch stuff like Youtube and DVDs (while traveling) and a small all-in-one printer.  I'm not a gamer.  My requirements are simple so my technology can be simple too.


The average American household has 2.5 televisions in their home
I only have one and that is more than enough

Right now, in my home, I currently have one television with a Roku streaming stick and a Victrola bookshelf stereo to go along with my cell phone, laptop w/DVD player, the printer plus a small digital camera.  That is it.  I have collected all of my old equipment for recycling including all cords, chargers and any other accessories.  I've kept only the cords and accessories  required to operate my current equipment with nothing for "just in case".  No extra cords, remotes, chargers, none of that nonsense.  Just the necessities and it feels really good having it all streamlined and minimal as compared to years past.  I'm keeping it very simple.



  1. Congratulations on another big project accomplished in your streaming adventure! I also streamlined all my technology in the past few months. Including a large box of cords, remotes, old monitors, old laptops and other items. I was astonished how large the pile grew! Luckily where I live I can drop all these electronics off at a city location, and they dispose of properly. Hilogene in Az

    1. I was surprised at out how large of a pile I had accumulated too. Amazing!

  2. My husband & I both work for a tech company, so we have lots of company tech at home that we use for work. And, nice phones (work provided). But, we are unusual in that we only have one TV, and it's in our living room. We are definitely not folks who want a TV in our bedroom.


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