Wednesday, May 31, 2023

This Month's Grocery Spending 2023 – May

I will keep this short and sweet because I didn’t do a whole lot of shopping this month.  As the pantry challenge continues I pretty  much just picked up dairy and some fresh produce.  A few items too for camping and BBQs such as buns, hotdogs and relish.  I did stock up on breakfast cereal too.  I think this is a pretty boring grocery shopping post to be honest.  But sometimes, that’s good because it also means I didn’t very much money either.


Hamburgers & potato salad
I ate great! 😋

I'll try to be more exciting next month.  Did you happen across any great deals this month?



  1. I am hoping that is an error and 1/2 gallon of milk doesn’t cost 8.76…although you just don’t know these days!

    1. Oh my gosh! Thank you for catching that! I fixed my typo and look at my total now! Even better! :0)

  2. Love burgers and potato salad.

  3. Lol..on the price error. That did help your total. Ha
    Good montly total. Love when grocery bill is low!!!


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