Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Filling Up Tanks


Think about that one person, or if you are substantially blessed, those people in your life you know you can always count on.  The person you would call, say if you had a dead battery or a flat tire, that would drop everything and come to your rescue.  The one that is there for you when you've had a really tough day and you need to vent it out.  That person you know you can count on to take you to urgent care because you need stitches.  Brings you hot soup and lotion tissues when you're sick and you've rubbed your nose raw.  You know, the one you want on your team during a zombie apocalypse.  That person that seems to always stay calm and know what to do in a crisis.


Think of the people in your life that really seem to have their $h!t together.  That super person that makes it to all of their kid's games and concerts and somehow manages to have dinner on the table each night and can whip up a batch of cupcakes for the school bake sale.  At work, who is that one person you can always rely on to answer a question, help you with a project, or is always available when you need extra assistance in order to leave on time or meet a deadline?  Who is the person you call when you have a leaky faucet, your dog is missing or you lock yourself out of the house?


Who is the person, or people, you know that always seem to be there for everyone else?  The one who would be eulogized for their kindness and would have the phrase "give you the shirt off their back" typed somewhere in their obituary?  The one that is described as "the rock" or the "glue that holds everything together"?  Who do you describe as giving, generous, selfless?


If we are very fortunate, and most of us are, we have people in our lives like this.  Some are family members, some are friends, some are neighbors and some are acquaintances.  They are a beautiful blessing, to be sure, but we need to remember they are still human.  Because by their very nature they are always willing to help to the point that they become weary and worn thin, although you might never know it.  Not necessarily is it intentional, but there are those who will take advantage of these angels as the needs are many and we rely on those we find are willing and dependable.  These wonderful people wouldn't have it any other way and there is nothing wrong with asking for help, not at all.  We just need to make sure we refill their tank.


So think about these wonderful people in your life and even if they haven’t helped you recently, do something special for them.  Take someone to lunch or invite them over for dinner.  Bake cookies, give them a card or a bouquet of flowers, some token to show how much you care about them.  Or just spend some time visiting with them where they don’t need a wrench or jumper cables to spend time with you.  Or, offer to do something for them.  Make sure they're acknowledged just for being them.  Let them know they are appreciated and that the world is a much better place because of how they treat others.  Don't assume that they know this, make sure that they know.  Fill that tank so they can continue to be the angels that they are.


And remember.  The greatest form of flattery is imitation.  Emulate the people you admire most and just imagine the impact you will create in someone else's world.



  1. This was beautifully written -- and a very good reminder. So glad you wrote it. Funny -- we were just starting to plan a vacation with two of those friends we treasure like this!

  2. What a wonderful remembrance. Ty for reminding us. That special someone in our lifes, are wonderful for sure.

    1. That they are. I just lavished that someone special with home canned goodies from my pantry. He was overjoyed. :)


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