Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Spending LESS $$ - Laundry


Since I’ve retired and my children have also left the nest this is an area that I’ve streamlined quite a bit.  I still have my energy and water efficient large capacity front load washing machine and dryer set that has been perfect for me, especially when I was doing laundry for a family.  Now that is just me and the occasional guest I don’t do near as much laundry as what I used to.


Most of the time, I only need to do laundry one day a week now.  I have enough clothes, towels, wash cloths and dish cloths to get through a week before I need to load them into the washer.  I can load the washer with all of my clothes for one load and sheets and towels go in for another.  Since I started hanging my clothes up on hangers in complete outfits and also wash the sheets and put them right back onto my bed I don’t have a lot of folding to do.


I hang several of my items up to dry on the rod in the laundry room, such as certain tops, my bras, sweaters and hoodies, rugs, etc.  This not only helps these items dry and last longer, but the load I do end up running through the dryer is much smaller so I don’t need to run it very long.  Quite often I am able to combine both washed loads into one dryer load.


After much trial and error I finally came up with a homemade detergent recipe that I like and use.  I only need to make up a half batch and it lasts me nearly a year.  After hitting a jackpot of markdown Snuggle dryer sheets I stocked up several years ago.  I’ve share these with neighbors and my children, but because I reuse them for a few loads they last me forever.  I think I have enough for five more years, to be honest, however once they are gone I plan to switch over to using white distilled vinegar in the rinse cycle and get away from commercial fabric softeners.


I’m one of those people who really doesn’t mind doing laundry.  I enjoy the entire process so I actually look forward to laundry day.  I also happen to have a really cute laundry room which I’m sure adds to it.  I think that whenever you are able to streamline your process and you have a pleasant space to work in it feels like much less of a chore.



  1. I am also one of those people who don't mind doing laundry. I've always told my fam "If it's in the laundry room I'll wash it. Otherwise, you're on your own."

    I've never used Zote soap. I used to use Fels Naptha, but the smell kinda got to me.

    My mom taught me to reuse dryer sheets, so I don't go through them quickly. I've heard that wool dryer balls are supposed to be good, but they're too pricy to buy without knowing for certain that I'll find them acceptable. Guess I'll wait for the Universe to send me some free ones, LOL.

    1. I find doing laundry rather relaxing. I personally prefer the Zote over the Fels Naptha. It does smell lightly of citronella, but then that smell goes away. I reuse my dryer sheets too so the ones I have now are going to last me forever. I'd like to try the wool balls too. Let's hope the universe is good to both of us. ;o)

  2. I don't mind laundry at all. I did try to make my own soap years ago, but it was a pain in the rear and didn't clean my clothes so I gave in to using pods. And the tip about washing your sheets and putting them right back on is something I do! Who wants to fold sheets? no one.

    1. The standard recipe didn't work for me at all and I gave up on it too. Once I came up with my own recipe it works much better and I'm quite happy with it. Makes the "pain in the rear" part worth it, especially as I only make a half batch at a time now. I fold sheets twice a year - cotton ones in the fall and the flannels in the spring when they get put away for the season. :0)

  3. I haven’t used dryer sheets in years. I use white vinegar in the wash and also made my own wool “dryer balls” by balling up a few pairs of worn out wool socks. Supposedly the dryer balls also shorten drying time. Not sure if that’s true, but with my homemade version, I have nothing but a bit of my time invested, so I use them. Once you give up dryer sheets, you’ll likely never go back. I can’t stand the fragrance in them now that I’ve been away from them for awhile.

    1. My plan is to use vinegar once I get through the stash of dryer sheets. Fortunately I've had them so long they don't have much of a fragrance anymore - bonus!

    2. Wow, I have old wool socks tucked away somewhere. I will try your method of balling them up and using them for dryer balls!

  4. May I ask for your laundry soap recipe please. Perhaps it will work for me also. Thank you so much!

    1. Absolutely! The link is above. Click on the bold "homemade laundry detergent".


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