Friday, June 7, 2024

Are You Safe?


I’ve been keeping a secret from you, one that I had never planned to share.  However, it has been nagging at me that I need to share this event with all of you because I do believe my experience may possibly help someone else.  I don’t want anything bad to happen to any of you and I always want you to be safe.  I also want to warn you that this post contains some adult language and content in case you’d rather stop reading now and move along.  I can’t share all of the details because this incident is now making its way through the judicial system and I certainly do not want to do or say anything that would compromise that process. 

Back in March while out and about living my life and minding my own business I encountered a stranger.  The moment I saw this person I instantly knew he was up to no good.  He just had that vibe about him and I found myself on high alert.  He started following me as I was making my way to my intended destination and when he thought the time was right he grabbed me.  I was able to shrug myself away from his grasp, spun around and confronted him in a very aggressive manner.  I was instantly pissed! 

At first he was surprised by my response, but then I could tell he was taking this on as more of a challenge and I think he found it rather amusing.  He continued to follow me.  I made my way into a building I knew was full of people to get some help because I could tell he was relentless in his pursuit of me.  In my mind I was already anticipating he was going to grab me again and in a more forcible way so I was already planning to punch him in the throat, kick, scream, claw, pull his hair, stuff my fingers into his eyes, even chew his balls off with my teeth if it came to that.  What I did know is I wasn’t about to go anywhere where we’d be isolated from people long enough to give him the opportunity to grab me again. 

As I made my way through the building in search of help I tried several evasive maneuvers to shake this guy but he stayed right with me, even walking right beside me at times as if we were a couple.  Unfortunately the security guard I was seeking out had stepped away from his post and I quickly realized I needed to find someone else to help me so I kept moving.  I circled around and the stranger stayed right with me until I spotted someone I knew and I was sure would be able to help.  I walked right up to him and told him “I need your help.  This guy has been trailing me for a while and I can’t get rid of him.”  Even when I said these things this asshole wouldn’t move off.  He stood directly behind me and waited. 

The person I had approached to help me realized immediately that this was a dangerous situation.  He escorted me to a place I could safely wait behind a locked door while he got help.  My helper said that when he walked out of that locked room the guy was still waiting outside for me.  By the time he got back with the security guard the stranger was gone.  My helper made it his personal mission to safely escort me to my final destination making sure this guy was nowhere in sight in the process which I was eternally grateful for.  He also assured me that he would follow up and make sure this incident was properly reported and investigated. 

Fourteen hours later this guy was booked into the county jail for assault and attempted kidnapping of another woman.  Since then I have spoken with police and told them about my encounter with this little bastard.  After review of camera footage they were able to see what had happened with me as well as the guy turning his coat inside out and putting on a hat as he left the building to evade capture.  Obviously this was not his first rodeo, he had definitely done this before.  It has since been confirmed to me by the police that he is a pretty bad dude with a long history of criminal and drug behavior and he was wanted for outstanding warrants on similar offenses.  I also learned that sadly the second victim leading to his arrest was hurt pretty bad.  

You may be wondering, had I put myself at risk?  Could I have avoided this situation altogether?  Is this because I started riding the bus?  Is it because I walk a lot and do things alone.  No.  It was noon, in the middle of a weekday, and I was on a busy street surrounded by a ton of people and traffic.   This guy was bold.  He was on the hunt and assumed I’d be an easy target, possibly due to my age and being a woman out on her own that day.  The police officer told me I did all the right things to keep myself safe and I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I was very lucky. 

You may be asking why I didn’t call 911.  Well, unfortunately at the time my cell phone was buried in the bottom of my backpack and I was afraid to take it off to try and dig it out because I felt like I needed to keep my hands free and at the ready.  I wanted to make sure I could fight this guy off again if I needed too.  In my mind I thought I may go down, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to make it easy on him. 

You also may be asking, did this mean I had a bad day?  Nope!  This entire situation lasted twenty minutes.  Granted it was a long twenty long minutes, but only twenty minutes nonetheless.  Everything that had happened up to that point was good and everything that happened afterward even more so.  I am eternally grateful to my helper and since this happened we have become friends.  We have talked about the incident many times and he always wants to make sure I'm doing okay.  I had loads of emotional support and several offers to help with anything I needed from my fellow city employees.  One of them sent me the sweetest and most supportive text message later that evening.  I knew I was safe and I was okay.  NO BAD DAYS.  Let me know if you would like me to expand more on how I’m making sure it stays that way.



  1. Wow, I'm so glad you are ok!!! Kudos for keeping yourself calm and focused on doing what you needed to do to get help!

  2. I'm so sorry this happened to you; that is scary. So glad you are ok, and I'm glad you had someone to help. So glad that creep was caught. Would love to learn more if you care to share.

  3. First of all, I'm glad you're ok and that they caught the jerk. That was a very scary situation. The world is filled with some pretty sick individuals. I'm glad you were close to a public building and found someone that could help you. It sounds like you did all the right things. If you'd like to share more, I'd love to know. Take care and good for you for not going down without a fight.

  4. wow that is scary. I got my daughter something called a Birdie whistle. they're on Amazon and is a women run company creating the birdie for protection. You can where it around your neck or on the outside of a pack. They're not expensive so you might want to get one. Thank goodness you got to safety.

  5. Oh a SCENE would have been made. I feel like I have been on the edge of furious for months now and I can get loud. But good on you for keeping your cool and not giving in. You made sure you would not be a victim. You have a right to move safely through this world. I'm with you - I would fight back with intent to do great harm.

  6. I am so glad that you were able to handle the situation and keep yourself safe. The fact that he kept trailing you--even as you were asking for help--is freaking scary. That level of focus and confidence that you were his prey and he was going to get you no matter what...horrifying. I am so sorry that he was successful with his next victim, poor woman.

    Would be very thankful to hear how you plan to keep staying safe; it will help us all. I like the idea of the whistle; putting an encroaching person on blast very loudly.

  7. So scary! I'm so glad you're okay, that you had the knowledge to make a plan and get to help, and that your acquaintance stepped in and helped get you to safety. I hope the other woman has a smooth recovery and gets the resources she will need after the physical part of her recovery.
    I work and volunteer in the personal safety industry and am so glad you took the steps you could and made/acted on the plan. It's easy to freeze up if we don't have the mindset and have a mental script for "if they/then I" situations. Thank you for sharing your story so others can learn from it and hopefully consider how they can be more situationally aware and prepared themselves. <3

  8. Get Bear Spray and keep it in your front pocket of your jeans or shorts. You can get it on amazon or at camp stores. It is imperative to be ready to get out of your car and ready to get back in. No dithering. Stand tall and walk like you own the place! take care!!

  9. Oh my. That’s horrible. Praise God you were able to go somewhere for help. Make sure they keep his behind in prison.
    Our home was broken into 2004. I was asleep on the couch heard something went to look and realized something was wrong. We called the police. Long story short it was a neighborhood kid. Since we were home it was a higher felony. The assistant da was going to agree with probation until my husband said nope. He got 4 years in prison. The state had to notify me when he was released.

  10. If you go into a building for help and there is none, pull the fire alarm.

  11. Oh my gosh, thank goodness you are ok, and so glad he’s behind bars. Good work in seeking help and keeping a cool head in an extremely dangerous situation. You are brave and powerful!

  12. You did everything right because you did not end up being a victim.

    I have had three incidents in my life where I could have been a victim but was not…because I am always aware of my surroundings, trusted my gut instincts, and am not afraid of being rude or making a scene. These three occasions were during the day doing normal activities: shopping at a mall, going to the bank, and out for a walk.

  13. Nancy in Vancouver WAJune 7, 2024 at 12:54 PM

    I am so glad that you are ok. I am always surprised when I see women walking around looking at their phone and not aware of their surroundings. It is important to stay alert. I have been stalked so understand the weird vibe you got. I had my daughters take self defense classes when they were teenagers as I had had a scary incident. They are now training their children to stay aware.

  14. Sadly it's no longer safe for a woman to walk alone anywhere.
    I am older and walk with a cane.
    My husband insists on going with me everywhere. I had an incident at my bank with someone following me out.
    I am always shocked when I see women out jogging with headphones on .
    Walking looking at their phones instead of paying attention.
    They have a man in NY coming up and punching women in the face.
    They are walking alone looking at their phone screens and he just bashes them
    And takes off. Get a weapon,learn how to protect yourself. There are non lethal guns available,tasers, bear spray.
    Always have ready access to your cell phone. Thank God your ok,so sad her hurt another women.
    But the courts keep releasing these violent criminals.
    It's a scary world ladies.

  15. Oh my, that is so scary! Glad you are ok. I just hope the courts do their job and lock that guy up for a long time. One of my DD’s runs a lot. She Carrie’s pepper spray. She had a scary incident a couple months ago with a guy that lives in a halfway house following her. She did many things wrong, but did get home unharmed so it worked out. I made her report it because he was out on parole, and maybe shouldn’t be. They did nothing. That’s the way it works here.


  16. I recently had a man walk right into my house (I left my sliding door open so my dogs could go in and out of the house while I was watching tv) It was a Sunday morning and he had jumped our fence from an open field behind us.. luckily for me, one of my dogs is a very protective shepherd mix and she charged him furiously barking and our golden retriever joined in and he turned to leave I joined in the chase yelling! The police came with helicopters to look for him but didn't find him. It could have been a very bad day. The dogs got lots of extra treats and I am careful about the doors now..

  17. Oh, that is so scary. I'm so glad you are okay & happy that they caught the guy, but so sorry for the other woman who wasn't as lucky. That's terrible. (Hawaii Planner)

  18. Good for you for saving yourself. You did everything right. I am glad you are safe.

  19. I am so sorry this happened to you and am glad you are okay. I hope the other woman will recover both physically and emotionally. With his long history of criminal behavior, this despicable creep should have been in jail. Hopefully he will serve a long sentence for what he did to both of you. As someone stated earlier, I would like to know more if you care to share.

  20. THANK GOD you are okay...and hopefully the other woman will heal.

  21. It sounds like you kept your head during a scary situation. When we are confronted with danger, our mind has to be on smart defensive measures.
    I carry a lipstick looking pepper spray - my purse is very small.
    At 70, I am very aware now how vulnerable I am now and I never felt that way before. Thank God you are okay. We shouldn’t live in fear but we always should be aware of our surroundings.


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