Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Micro Decluttering


After nearly a year long decluttering journey I now find myself in maintenance mode.  I want to keep up with my decluttering to not only get rid of stuff I no longer need, want or use, but also to make sure I am not going to refill my home.  Even as I look around my house I often feel like I still have too much stuff.  But in reality, everything I’ve chosen to keep is what I am currently using in my current stage of life.  It is a good place to be.


Since retiring I’ve been on a mission to use things up around here.  My plethora of craft and sewing supplies has seen some major improvement as I’ve completed projects and shared some of my stuff with others to help them complete projects of their own.  I still have more than enough supplies to keep me going for a good long time, I’m sure.


Other than the charger I am currently using
everyday this is the only extra electronics cord I have

My linen closet used to be jampacked

I’ve been whittling away on toiletries and household supplies too.  When I retired I had quite a stockpile of things I thought I would need and use.  For the most part I was correct about what I wanted to have on hand, but I have been surprised at the fact that I don’t use nearly as much of anything as I thought I would, especially now that I predominately use my own homemade laundry detergent and I also dilute a lot of products with water.  I use a whole lot less of pretty much everything so things just last longer.  I’m still in the process of keeping a more manageable supply on hand and progress is being made.


Still working!

For the most part my current wardrobe is working out rather well for me.  I did add a pair of blue jeans last year for work as well as three more pair of socks to replace a few pair that had worn out.  This year so far I’ve added two bras, four pair of panties, a tee shirt and a new pair of walking shoes.  Twice now this year I’ve gone through my closet and drawers and pulled out anything that wasn’t being worn.  As I’ve been doing my laundry I’ve eliminated items that are worn out past the point of mending or repair.


Office supplies

Papers, labels & envelopes

I went through my office supplies and took some stuff into work that I know will get used.  I’ve gone through the junk drawer and tossed out a few items that I’d found in the house that I had yet to find out what they belonged to as well as a couple business cards I no longer needed.  I went through my wallet and tossed out some old receipts.  I went through my dayplanner and got rid of old lists and notes.  I went through the first aid and medicine bin and got rid of some packaging after making sure everything was still within date.  I recycle my junk mail and shred my sensitive paperwork on a regular basis so I don’t have piles of papers sitting around anywhere.


The junk drawer in the kitchen with
my everyday charger in the upper left corner

My latest declutter pile including
some extra cleaning rags I really don't need

These little micro declutters, as I like to call them, are making a real impact around here.  I’m staying on top of things and it helps me so much to keep it all neat and tidy.  No overstuffed drawers that are hard to open or close and no closets that pose a danger of something falling on you if you open the door.  No stacks of anything waiting to be dealt with exist here.  Not in this house, no way!  Everything is clean, neat, tidy and organized, just the way I like it.  My home is my sanctuary and I absolutely love it!



  1. Sounds wonderful.

    I'm trying to do the same. My husband has a harder time with change & getting rid of stuff. So I've been framing it more as chosing how we want to live in our home as he approaches retirement (still a few years off). This seems to resonate with him more.

  2. You're a woman after my own heart.

  3. Very inspiring!
    I have a long way to go...

  4. I’m slowly doing this too.


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