Monday, June 3, 2024

My Tireless Retirement – Week 113


Oh my gosh!  It’s June!!  It was another great week my friends!  I began with a nice long five day weekend over Memorial day.  I was off from Friday through Tuesday and I think I was a little past due for some good solid time off.  I’ve been working a lot of hours to help out with short coverage and to be honest, I was tired.  After a good night of sleep and a quiet slow start to my Friday morning I was ready to have some fun and I decided to have myself a “Mall Day”.


I hopped onto the bus and rode over to the mall to do some bra and undie shopping that I’d put off as long as I could.  It isn’t my favorite type of shopping, but now it is done and I’m thankful.  I also picked up a new pair of walking shoes at my favorite discount shoe store.  With all of the extra walking I’m doing now I felt it appropriate to add another pair of good supportive shoes to my wardrobe.  Once I was done shopping I hopped back onto the bus and headed back home.  It made for a very nice and enjoyable afternoon.


I spent the Memorial Day weekend puttering around in the yard.  I watered, planted, pulled weeds and mostly just enjoyed being outside and admiring the results of my hard work.  My cucumbers and zucchini are poking up through the ground now so that is super exciting.  My girlies have been laying eggs like crazy lately.  I think it is because of all the weeds I’ve been giving them.  They do seem to be rather happy these days.


My maple tree has a few dead limbs on it so I now have a new project outside.  Hopefully by removing these limbs the rest of the tree will be able to remain healthy and I won’t have to remove it.  I was able to get the first limb cut off and half of it cut up and into my wheelie bin.  I’ll cut up the rest of it once the trash man empties my bin this week and then I’ll get the rest of it cut up and refill the bin.  My plan is to only do one limb at a time to make it manageable and so I don’t have to contend with a big pile of junk sitting in my beautiful yard as I work to dispose of everything.


Things I did to save $$: 

By being patient on working on my limb trimming project I’m able to better utilize my already paid trash fees and not incur any additional fees or use up fuel in my truck by taking a load to the dump.  Taking care of the tree myself rather than hiring it out saves me a boatload of money. 

The BFF bought beer, ground beef and buns for Memorial Day and I happily let him.  I made sides to go with the burgers using items I already had on hand. 

After decluttering and reorganizing some craft supplies I had a nice stack of various sized Ziploc bags to wash out and reuse.  At this rate I can’t imagine I’ll need to buy any Ziploc bags again for at least a year or more.  I have gobs of them in the drawer to use now. 

I gave myself a haircut saving at least $35 plus a tip.


Meals I Prepared: 

I started off the week with leftover cheesy chicken and broccoli with rice.  The holiday weekend made a great excuse to enjoy NY strip steaks from the freezer with leftover pesto orzo and some asparagus. 

I made a pan of chile rellanos to have on hand for quick and easy brunches.  I hadn’t made these in ages and they were so good.


Grilled burgers and potato salad for Memorial Day left me with plenty of leftovers to get me through the remainder of the week.  It was definitely a good food week.  Delicious!


You know those hand soap dispensers I’m constantly refilling with homemade foaming soap solution?  I’ve had them for years!  Well, the pumps have all worn out on them so I temporarily lifted my Bath & Body Works moratorium after receiving a 20% OFF coupon plus a FREE ITEM coupon in the mail.  I took the bus back to the mall on Tuesday and picked up five (that was the deal they had going) new hand soaps to replace the ones I’ve worn out and have two extra to use as gifts which I got 20% OFF on and a bottle of shower gel to make more refill solution as my FREE item.  I spent a total of $22.90.  That purchase should pretty much hold me for a very long time.


How was your week and your holiday weekend?  Did you do anything fun and exciting?  Any big plans for June?


FYI - My retirement week runs from Friday through Thursday.



  1. Would you mind sharing your potato salad recipe? It looks so yummy! I love me some potato salad.

  2. Great score on the soaps! I love Bath & Body Works, but I always wait to buy when they are having a good sale. And yes, the undies are a necessary buy for sure! Haha! Thanks for the chile rellanos recipe! My husband loves it and always orders it when we go to the Mexican restaurant. I'll have to try it here at home for him!


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