Wednesday, April 5, 2023

A Bath & Body Works Moratorium


Oh my goodness folks!  I think I have a problem!  Apparently I've become quite the collector of Bath & Body Works products and I really don't think they are considered collectibles, like beanie babies or comic books, but holy cow!  I've amassed quite a collection of foaming hand soaps, shower gels, lotions, body creams and even those little hand sanitizers.  So I've had to put the kibosh on any further items coming into the house until I get this under control.


I have it pared down to what will fit in this zippered vinyl bag my old flannel sheets came in

I separated the soaps and lotions into one gallon bags
Still seems like a lot of stuff!

Another vote for gathering and organizing items "like with like" so you really know what you truly have.  Once I had gathered everything from the two bathrooms and the linen closet as well as my motorhome I was shocked at how much stuff I had.  I'm almost embarrassed.  A moratorium, it has to be until I get the majority of these products used up.  Even if it's FREE!  Because honestly, too much is just too much.


Sounds like a good idea~😁

I've donated some and put together what I feel is a more reasonable amount to work with which is probably still more than I should be keeping, but I'll use it up over time.  Plus I have gifts on hand, that's for sure.  No need to step inside that store again this year, more than likely.  I'm curious, what is something in your home you have a little too much of and need to put a moratorium on?



  1. I had to put a moratorium on stickers (the kind used in journaling, planners, etc.) because I have so many that I don't even remember what I have! The problem was, I would go to Hobby Lobby about once a week to see what was on sale and allow myself a few sticker packs. Next thing I know, I had WAY too many. So I haven't bought any in quite a while, but today I was browsing instagram and caved on some really cute ones. That's the magic of advertising :)

    1. Stickers are so much fun. I love using them in my daily journal and my dayplanner.

  2. I just downsized from a 2400 square foot, 5 bedroom house into a 3 bedroom, 1500 square foot condo. When I started combining all of things that I had stored in 3 bathrooms (plus the cabin at the campground) I was overwhelmed! Cleaning supplies x 3, lotion, soap, towels, etc. I did get rid of a lot in the move but now I need to go back and pare it down some more. It's crazy!

  3. Houseplants and seeds. I don't have to have (or grow from seed)every plant I like!

  4. I used to go to Rite Aid all the time, and buy things with a reward, when they were a good sale price. When we moved into our house (~6 years ago), it was clear we had an almost endless supply of toiletries. I went pretty much cold turkey, and stopped both going to Rite Aid, as well as stocking up on toiletries. We're still working through much of our stash! It also turns out that as the boys got older, they didn't want to smell like watermelon "baby" body wash, but instead needed razors & deodorant, so our needs changed as well. ;-)

    1. I remember having too much "baby" stuff at one time too. It happens.

  5. The B&BW stash I have here should last me a while as well! I am a sucker for hand soaps and homemade body soaps. I also have a big supply of cleaners because they were in such short supply during THAT time when we all had to stay home. So, I’m definitely trying not to buy anymore of those things right now.

  6. Fabric! I've collected and collected (good deals or rare finds), and my actual sewing has not kept pace. I have a goal to sew 4 garments in the next few months (and practice items don't count) to get some much-needed additions to my closet and pare down the fabric stash. Win-win!

    1. Oh fabric. I love fabric. And paper. I like scrapbook papers for crafting.

  7. I hear you with the Bath and Body items. I mainly buy the lotions/creams and have 100+. Unfortunately nothing gets used up since I use different ones each day. It's embarrassing. Those buy3-get 3 are my downfall. I'm also taking a long break from that store. Diane


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