Friday, September 13, 2024

Decluttering Doesn't Stop


This year I made another pass throughout my entire home and collected items I no longer need, want or use and began to collect those items in a bag out in my garage.  Once the bag was full I added a box.  Then I added another one.  I collected items to go into the recycle bin, to drop off at the hazardous waste site, to go into the trash and to be donated to the thrift store.  I shredded old paperwork, some mail, papers with sensitive information on them and old tax returns.  I even went back through the sentimental bin and got rid of a few more items I was ready to let go.


I cleaned out the junk drawer.  I went through my office supplies, twice, and took stuff into the senior center.  I went through my pantry and collected items I didn’t want to eat and took that into the senior center.  I donated some clothing items to the senior center thrift store.


I went through the bedroom closets and drawers.  I went through the kitchen cabinets and drawers.  I went through the linen and hall closets.  I went through the garage.  I gathered up items I wanted to use up and made a point to do that.  I took inventory of what I had so I didn’t wind up buying more stuff I did not need.


I gathered up craft supplies and made planners and journals to give away and for my own use.  I gathered up greeting cards I had made and sent them out to friends and loved ones.  I even donated some.  I’ve shared more of my stuff with others.  I’ve cooked more and entertained more to use up extras so they did not go to waste.


In the process I’ve been very mindful of what I am bringing back into the house.  I’ve politely declined items offered to me by well meaning and generous friends and family members.  I don’t make impulsive purchases and I really think long and hard about anything I do end up buying.  I’ve even taken some stuff back to the store and returned it after realizing I didn’t really want or need it.


Now that I’ve done all of this I know I am still not done.  It is a continuing process to manage what I have and keep on hand.  To use up what I have or donate it so it isn’t wasted.  I need to make sure paperwork is kept up to date and relevant and that anything else is properly disposed of.  As mail arrives in the mailbox I take care of it right away so only the most important pieces end up coming into the house, the rest goes into the recycle bin.  It is a process and one that needs consistent attention, but I do find the more I do it the easier it gets.



  1. What I find is that decluttering is just the starting point. Its the habits you follow afterwards that make an impact over time. Looks like you have a good method!

    1. You are so right Gena. Our habits can make us or break us.

  2. I have to admit when I first started reading your blog and you would say " I'm making another pass thru my house to declutter" I thought it was a little odd...hahahaha ..but now I'm totally into it! You got me thinking about it. And yes there's always one more thing I can get rid of! I think in years past I wasn't getting to a good place to feel like it made any difference so I'd quit. But now I've persevered and I can see the difference and life is so much more pleasant and easier! Now I'm regularly thinking about what leaves and stays.


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