Saturday, September 14, 2024

My Tireless Retirement – Week 128


After my trip to Las Vegas it felt really good to get home, snuggle with my kitties, sleep in my own bed, drink my own coffee and eat my own food.  It was also nice to go out to the garden and pick a pile of tomatoes so I could get back to my list of canning projects.  First up was to make a batch of chile verde using green tomatoes, peppers and onions as well as some cilantro and spices.  My house smelled delicious while that was cooking away in my slow cooker.


But first, I got a text from work asking me to come in and work on Friday if at all possible.  I put my canning plans on hold and worked the entire day, which I loved by the way.  While I was there my boss approached me to work extra hours in the upcoming weeks due to the sudden departure of one of my co-workers.  I told her “no problem!”


I am planning to use the extra funds to pay off my 0% interest 6 month PayPal loan on the new refrigerator.  Every pay day I’ve been making a payment and right now I only owe $300 of the $695 I started off with.  In the meantime my savings account as well as my emergency fund remains intact and is earning interest.


Midweek we had a shift in the weather and much cooler temperatures.  After looking at the projected forecast I made the decision to pull and put away the A/C units for the season and rely on open windows, fresh air and my box fans once again.  I’m also hoping for a couple months of very low electric bills before I need to consider heating my home this winter.


In that same vein I am beginning to wind down the vegetable garden.  Although it was a tough garden year due to excessive grasshopper activity and a long heatwave this summer I did amazingly well with my tomatoes, pears and apples.  I pulled up the pepper plants having only harvested one viable pepper this year.  I am not going to do anymore watering and allow everything in my yard to simply rely on Mother Nature from here on out.


The hummingbirds have moved on for the season, about a week earlier than usual so I have cleaned up the feeders and returned them to their place in the garage.  I will miss my sweet little birds a lot and I will be looking forward to their return next spring in mid May.


Next up, I have pruning and trimming to do, some yard clean up and all of the other little things to do around the house to get things winter ready.  I have made plans to expand the garden some and will also be working on that project as well.  Although I am not a great gardener, with far more fails than successes, I do want to keep trying.  My small successes do give me hope.


I even rearranged & cleaned the living room

I love the cozy vibe!  And my terra cotta pumpkin!

The powder room

To celebrate the changing of the seasons I did get out my bin of Fall décor and spread it about the house.  I swapped out all of my hand soap dispensers and lotions with the fall scented ones which I enjoy the most.  I also switched out the chair covers in the dining room with the brown ones I like to use during the autumn months.  I will miss the summer, as it was a particularly good one for me, but like many I am excited for this upcoming Fall season.  How about you?



  1. I love spring & summer so much. So I don't usually look forward to the other two But I decided this year to try to do things that put some joy into fall & winter so I enjoy and appreciate them more.

    1. That is how I used to be. Then I made a decision to embrace all four seasons and I love each one. :o)

  2. Beautiful autumn decorations. I also need to make some decorations for this new season. Autumn came to Poland literally overnight. Just a week ago it was hot outside.
    Greetings and I invite you to see my new painting


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