Saturday, October 5, 2024

My Tireless Retirement – Week 131


I got this past week off with a bang.  Last Saturday I spent time inside doing some decluttering and organizing in the guest room closet.  I did my laundry, went to brunch with a friend, baked two loaves of whole wheat bread and shared one with my friend, picked up chicken feed and bunny supplies, finished cutting up the limbs I’d pruned from the pear tree and did some more clean up in the yard.  It was busy, it was productive and it felt really good to get more things ticked off of my “to do” list.  I then headed off to bed at 9:00 and fell asleep fast.


Sunday I decided to enjoy a quieter and more relaxed day.  I started off baking two more loaves of bread.  This time I made honey oat bread and once they had cooled I placed them into Ziploc bags and put them away in the freezer.  I want to bake some more whole wheat as well as some brown bread to keep in the freezer as well so I am well stocked.  I also want to share one of these loaves with another friend who really enjoys my home baked bread along with a jar of the pear butter I made a couple weeks ago.


After putting freshly washed sheets back on my bed I settled in to add some more recipes to my handcrafted recipe binder.  In particular I wanted to add the ketchup and chile verde recipes I used and made as part of my canning projects this summer.  They were both winners so I wanted them safely put away in my binder so I will have them to make again in the future.


The work plan was for me to return to my regular schedule after three weeks of working extra hours.  Unfortunately, illness swept through the place and once again we were shorthanded so I stepped up and offered to cover shifts and work extra hours.  On payday this past Tuesday I made another PayPal payment on the new refrigerator so I’m now down to the final $100.  I will use this week’s extra pay to finish that off and the fridge will officially be all mine.  I didn’t pay any interest and my savings account remained untouched and earning interest, not to mention that this will help my credit so it appears I am still alive.  Ha!


After work on Thursday evening I joined three of my friends at a night club for dinner and an Alabama tribute band concert.  It was a lot of fun to spend some time with my gal pals and the band was really good.  We thoroughly enjoyed the show and it was so much fun to get out and spend time together.


That pretty much wrapped up the week and I’ll admit I was well worn out by the time all was said and done.  My only plans for this weekend are to rest and relax, make some delicious food and spend quality time with my critters.  Sounds like a perfect weekend to me!


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