A lot has
happened around here since I retired
nearly three years ago (that, in and of itself, is hard to believe), especially
when it comes to my home. In mid July of
2022 I became an empty nester when my youngest moved out on
her own in preparation to go to college.
I am super happy for each and every one of my children as I raised them
to be strong, capable, independent people and they are, very much so. I couldn’t be more proud of the adults they
have become and everything they have achieved thus far. It does my mama heart so much good.
That summer, for
the first time in thirty seven years, I found myself living completely alone
and I was excited about it. Now, don’t
get me wrong, it did take some getting used to.
Everything I had done during those thirty seven years was always with
someone else in mind so it took me a while to realize and accept that I could literally
do, eat, have, go, whatever and wherever I liked and I didn’t have to take care
of anyone else’s needs, preferences or wants.
Just me. My “ah ha” moment was a
couple weeks later in August when I realized I didn’t need to do anything to get
someone ready for back-to-school. I was
done. I was really done. No one needed
me to do a single thing for them. My
kids had it handled. It was weird!
So much stuff has left this property! 😄 |
It was time to regain
my own sense of independence so I started at the top of my home and spent the
better part of six months completely going through entire house, getting rid of
things and gathering up items the kids had left behind, and making changes to a
couple of the bedrooms. Then I went back
and spent nearly and entire year going through every nook and cranny to
completely declutter my entire house as well as the garage and they yard. I got rid of so much stuff! Even though I had done all of that work that
year I did again this past year. I went
back through every nook and cranny once again and I got rid of more stuff! In fact, I was actually quite surprised at all
of the stuff I still had to get rid of.
I was just ready on the second pass through to let it go. Decluttering our homes really is a process
and while it may seem that it is a never ending process I can tell you it does
get much, much easier.
There are no
visible traces that my children ever lived here. It is so very different now. My home has always been a place where we felt
comfortable, safe and secure, but now it has also become my sanctuary. It is designed for me and me alone. I have carefully set up spaces for the things
I love and love to do whether it is time in the kitchen to cook and bake or in
the sewing room where I can be creative.
I have space for house guests and for entertaining friends and loved
ones, but once they leave I can do a little housekeeping and maybe some laundry
and my home is still set up just for me.
Fast forward to
the present and I can tell you I do love where I am at in life right now. I truly
loved being a mom. A LOT! But I also love just being me right now and
getting to know myself again. With a thoroughly decluttered house (my kids
will definitely appreciate it one day) I find that my home is so much different
now in not only how it looks, but also in how it feels. While I am rediscovering myself, I’m also rediscovering
this house and I love it. It is kind of hard
to explain, but I’ve entered a new chapter, a new phase in my life and it is a
really good place to be right now. Retired
life is amazing! I am so excited for
what lies ahead!
I feel like we are on the wavelength. Every week, month, and year I discover more and more about what makes me happy! The Mom job was great, but I am glad it is different now. And even with all of the decluttering I have done, I find things now and then that make me scratch my head and wonder why it didn't occur to me to let them go. Definitely a process!
ReplyDeleteIt truly is a process. Nothing just happens overnight. I LOVED my Mom Job and it was a tough one to give up, but now I'm at that stage in life where it is time for ME! Yay!
DeleteI think it really comes down to enjoying where you are in life now. I can relate.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Well said.
Delete“There are no visible traces that my children ever lived here.” Whoa Baby, that’s a land mine. Not sure how many feel about that but you said what I feel!!!! I LOVE my children, and have fond memories of their childhood. We had a lot of fun. But I get almost “stabby” at thinking that I am expected save the space for kids who I helped launch (or not). I have been called ruthless, but my space is my space, MINE. Yea, there will always be room here should they need it, but my house, my rules.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I got a lot of grief from others when they were younger too for a similar attitude. That attitude was expressed as “you have a room in my house, and if you want to keep me out of that room you will keep it to a certain level of cleanliness. If you don’t then *I* will go in and clean it.”
A few of my kids are slower to launch, and my husband doesn’t mind, but to see how they respect, and always have, not just my husband’s and my space, time etc, but each others’ I think is a testament to that philosophy. It may seem counterintuitive (and maybe I am wrong) but that attitude of “leave no trace in my house” really instilled a sense of consideration of others in them. If they ever all get launched, I will check in and compare notes!!!! Yay, You! xoxo
-Meg B.
Ha! Yes, I know some people can take issue with that kind of honesty, but the truth is that I personally couldn't look at my kids stuff on the daily. It would break my heart. There are no shrines of my childhood in my parent's home and I feel the same way they did. Time to move on! When I launched my sister got my room and my dad got my brother's room after he moved out and turned it into his office. When my sister left my mom finally got a sewing room which she had wanted for a very long time. After many years of great parenting and teaching all of their children to be capable responsible adults they definitely earned the right to take back their home for themselves. My mom insisted we take ALL of our crap with us when we moved out and we did. My kids are always welcome, they just know now that they are guests. As it should be. My dad told us their front door was not revolving so to be ready to stay out once we move out. My dad's a character!