Monday, June 6, 2022

My Thrifty Retirement - Week 9


After the crazy busy week I had prior this gal was worn out.  It was nice to spend some downtime relaxing and getting some rest before I took on another chunk of my landscape project.  Needless to say I worked at a much slower pace this past week, I even got in a pajama day, something I haven't done in a long while.  I also met a good friend for lunch and got some much appreciated girl talk in.


On the way home from lunch out I restocked my supply of canning jars in preparation of some summer preserving I have planned.  That is as long as my garden does what I'm hoping it will.  So far things are looking good.  I have green beans and peas popping up and my tomatoes and peppers I started from seed seem to be loving their new home in the garden.


Sneak peek

I started working on a new flowerbed at the front of our house that I'm really excited to show you once it is complete.  I was thrilled that our compost was ready to add to that new bed because the soil in that area was terrible.  I've only put in one plant so far, but it seems pretty happy where I placed it.


I managed to accomplish a few more tasks on my quarterly housekeeping checklist.  Our garage got a tidy up and I reorganized the shelves, refilled feed bins and tossed out a lot of recyclable items.  My bedroom walls and ceiling got washed as well as our upstairs hallway.  I washed my curtains and got them rehung too.  It feels so good to have that done as it is the first time since I got sick last year that I was able to do it.  It was also one of the first things I wanted to do once I retired and now it is done.  I washed up all of my bedding and pillows for a fresh clean bed which is always so lovely to dive into at the end of a busy day.  The weather is finally warm enough that I was able to clean and put up my electric blanket for the season.


Throughout the week I opened up the windows for lots of fresh air.  Right now we are not running any heat or A/C and because of the rain we've had I've done very little watering.  Nice way to save on the utilites.


Coconut curry soup

I kept meals pretty simple.  We had planned to barbecue on Memorial Day, however two days of rain put the kybosh on that idea.  Instead we made Chinese food and enjoyed leftovers for a couple of days after.  Along with those the leftovers from meals prepared the week before I didn't have to cook much until Friday.  I made a potato and mushroom strata and took some taco meat out of the freezer for quick tacos on Saturday.  It was very nice not to have to do a lot of cooking last week and it was very nice to see our groceries stretch as far as they did.


Potato strata

I hope you all had a great thrifty week.  Let me know some of the things you were able to accomplish.



  1. If your recipes are online, would you consider adding links? Or the recipes themselves.

    1. If it is highlighted it is linked. You can also click on "Recipes" on the right under labels and that will give you a list of what is on this blog as well as the same with my other blog. Happy cooking! :)


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