Monday, July 18, 2022

My Thrifty Retirement - Week 15


My daughter moved out on July 7th and I've hesitated to say anything because I needed to adjust and I've had some mixed emotions about it.  I love my children dearly, but the truth of the matter is, I am so glad they are all out of the house and I am finally on my own!  Should I feel guilty about that?  Because I don't, but I kept thinking I should.  Oh my gosh, I just feel happy about it.  Although, I did inherit a bunny in the process.  Of course I did, but she is cute and we get along great.  I'm working on creating some new digs for her so she will be very happy hanging out with me, I'm sure.  I hope.  It has taken me a bit to realize and get used to the fact that I can eat what I want, when I want, watch what I want, when I want and do what I want, when I want.  For the past thrifty five years I've spent every day thinking of or considering someone else's wants and needs.  So for that to suddenly stop felt really odd, but fortunately I think I've adapted quite quickly.


With the bulk of my landscaping project finished I spent most of the week puttering about working on various little projects around the house.  Over a couple of days I super scrubbed the upstairs bathroom which was primarily used by my daughter and did some much needed decluttering and reorganizing.  In the process I was able to tick off some items from my checklist.


I enjoyed this movie very much

On Tuesday I treated myself to a movie and went to see Downton Abbey at the "dollar" theater.  On Tuesdays all movies are $1.50.  I am planning to take in more movies there this year since it is so affordable.  I figured out that I can go to a movie every week for less than what my Netflix or Prime membership used to cost each month.  That's a bargain!


My big haul for the week

Wednesday I picked up a few items on sale at Fred Meyer as well as a Home Depot online order I had placed for a few odds and ends I needed for some maintenance around the house.


Some items I needed for my "honey-do" list

My daughter came by twice during the week to bring me bunny supplies and the second time we spent some time grooming the bunny and visiting while we did that.  She helped me with the new "bunny-minium" I've been working on and we moved little Miss Daisy in on Thursday.  There are still a few more things I want to do with it, but for the most part she seems pretty happy with it so far.


Project time!

Then on Friday I got to do something I have been waiting a good long time to do.  I started a new home improvement project upstairs on my daughter's bedroom.  I am so excited to get to do this and can hardly wait to show you the final outcome.  I think this projects is going to go a long way to helping me make the transition from full time mom to empty nester.  I know I'm going to have a ton of fun with it.  On Saturday I picked up an online order I had placed at Lowes for the trim I needed and some paint supplies.  Sadly, I couldn't get all of the trim I had ordered so I went out to the garage and dug through my stash and came up with some trim pieces that are very similar that I think will work.  I am hoping so anyway.


This is what $100 buys you (sigh)

It was a hot week so most of my focus was spent on keeping the house cool, me cool, the animals cool and everything outside well watered.  Anyone else facing some hot summer weather?  I hope you are all doing well.  Are you staying cool and hydrated?  What fun things have you been up to lately?



  1. No reason what so ever to feel guilty about the kids being gone! Ours have been gone for 2 1/2 years and it's great. I remember how annoying it was when everyone was telling me how sad I should be when my youngest started kindergarten. I finally told one that asked if I was going to cry "No, I'm going to be the mom jumping up and down screaming for joy." Enjoy your new freedom!

    1. Thank you Diane. I am enjoying my freedom so much! :0)

  2. Congratulations! You did a great job raising your children to be independent!
    Enjoy doing what you want to do now. Can't wait to read about your adventures and projects.

  3. Looking forward to see the finished product


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