Monday, December 12, 2022

My Tireless Retirement - Week 36


Hello, hello my friends!  Another week has barreled on by as we are hurdling our way toward Christmas and 2023.  I am just in awe at how quickly my days fly by, completely mind boggling.  How is everyone doing?  Staying warm enough?  We continue to have cold, frosty weather with some snow here and there as well as some thick fog too.  This is typical January weather for us and it started in November!  Brrrr!  Even during snowpocalypse it didn't start snowing until Christmas Eve.


I began my week by continuing with my whole house decluttering and reorganizing project.  I made some great progress too.  Needless to say I have no desire to declutter the garage until spring when the weather is much warmer than it is right now.  I'm quite fine with waiting on that part.  As I'm working I'm making a detailed list of specific containers I need to properly store certain items.  I don't want to buy anything unnecessarily so I'm being super careful to make sure I don't already have something that will work.


Not a bad little haul

In that same vein I am being super careful with my grocery shopping as well.  I carefully made out a list, double and triple checked it, went over what I already have on hand and then did my big shopping trip for the month on Tuesday.  I want to make sure I don't overbuy and end up wasting food and money.  There weren't any good ads going on this past week so I decided to make the trek to Winco this time around.  I think I did a pretty good job with what I bought and the prices I paid.


I got all of my Christmas cards sent out, gifts wrapped and I have no shopping left to complete.  Just the baking left to do and I find that to be the most fun.  I picked up some marshmallow crème too just in case I want to make a batch of fudge.


My BFF is back in town through the new year and we have been enjoying holiday cocktail hour lately referring to it as "decluttering" the liquor cabinet.  I very much appreciate the help!  We've enjoyed some tasty beverages while watching Christmas movies or listening to music and enjoying some delicious meals too.  Lots of talking and some deep discussions too.  We also came up with a new tradition to replace Horse Doover Nite that I used to do with my children every year with a Nacho Nite.  Oh my gosh was that ever delicious!


I used a magic eraser to get the scuffs and any black marks off the lids

By Thursday I started working in my craft room with the decluttering and reorganizing.  Needless to say this is a HUGE project.  I did however manage to empty another pile of bins which I've washed and will reuse for the organizing process.  It was a busy week just going through things and making A LOT of decisions.  Even though it has been messy I'm happy with the progress though and I'm glad I decided to get started this month instead of waiting.


Have a great week and take care!



  1. Decluttering the liquor cabinet, bahahahahaha! Good work! I am also working on decluttering things. My home looks like a tornado came through, and I hope to get it in presentable shape in the next week.

    1. I'm being very thorough this time around. LOL. Once we get through it our homes will be beautiful! :)

  2. I always looked forward to your horse Dover posts. 😀😀😀


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