Saturday, November 4, 2023

Stretching My Food $$ - Zucchinis & Carrots


This year I planted a garden and although I’m not much of a gardener I did pretty well this year, for me anyway.  Having a longer fall season with some good rain was helpful too as it brought on another flush of zucchinis which I picked before letting them get very big.  I like my zucchini small and tender so I will harvest them at about eight inches long or even a little shorter if they are fat ones.  Throughout the summer I pretty much ate them as I harvested them and they were literally the best zucchinis I have ever eaten.  I had to quit cooking them in order to put some up in the freezer for winter.


Even if you don't have a garden you can do this with store bought produce
No waste - the ends I trimmed from the carrots were given to the bunny
and the ends from the zucchinis went to the chickens.  Everybody wins!

With the latest flush of zucchinis I was able to grate up four and put them away for winter.  I also had extra carrots in the refrigerator so I grated some of those and added them to several of the bags of zucchini.  You can do A LOT with grated zucchini and carrots such as adding it to meatloaf, meat balls or burger patties to boost the nutrition, bake muffins, breads or cake, quiche, casseroles and add it to soups, stews or chilis.  I add the thawed vegetables, liquid and all in most cases, but if I feel like I need to drain some of it off I’ll save that liquid in the freezer to add to broths or soups.  I don’t want to waste any of that delicious nutrition.


Zucchini bites are so delicious

Now I have a nice supply of these bags, portioned into recipe sizes, ready for whatever I plan to make or bake this winter.  I’ll be able to eat my own homegrown vegetables and not need to buy so much at the store this winter too which will save my grocery dollars to spend on other things.



  1. I don't have a garden, but I do end up with extra veg sometimes that I add to things. Post your recipe for those zucchini bites! Those would be great in my work lunches.

    1. Those would! Click on the bolded words "zucchini bites" under the photo. It is a link that will take you to the recipe. :o)

  2. I've never thought about grating leftover carrots and freezing them! Thanks for the tip :)

    1. Makes it easy next time you want to make a carrot cake! ;o)


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