The view outside
my kitchen window is glorious right now.
It often is, but with this season now in full swing I’m appreciating it
more than ever. Spring is definitely my
most favorite of the four seasons and every time I look outside my heart
After a busy
week I treated myself to a day out on Saturday.
I hopped on the bus and went to my neighborhood shopping center where I
treated myself to some truffles from the candy store and lunch out. I had received a coupon at work for a FREE
hamburger so my lunch only cost me $3 for a side of onion rings to go with my
burger. I brought my own water to
drink. The weather was perfect and I was
able to eat outside on their patio.
Afterwards I went for a walk and then hopped back on the bus and made my
way back home.
Between the
candy store and lunch I popped into Dollar Tree and picked up a packet of
stickers to use in my daily journal. I
also found a crossword puzzle book I thought I might like. Once I was home I spent a fair amount of time
decorating some journal pages and relaxing before I headed back outside and got
busy pulling up all of the weeds that had popped up alongside the driveway and
in some of the relief cracks. I was
able, once again, to give the chickens another bucket of leafy greens.
Phoebe laid me this giant egg last week Pretty sure this is a double yoker |
Now that the majority
of the yard cleanup is pretty much done, I have one more flowerbed to work on
and the pond to flush and get up and running, things are looking pretty much
ship shape around here. It feels so good
as I walk up to my house each day and see how nice everything looks. I’m hoping to get some more bark this year to
spread in the flowerbeds and hopefully, if the price is right, I can get enough
to finish the backyard around the raised garden beds.
Ways I Saved $$:
I used a FREE hamburger coupon I was given at work to treat myself to a nice, inexpensive lunch out. A rare treat indeed these days.
emptied the five gallon gas can into my truck to use it up so it doesn’t go
bad. I plan to refill it next time I go
to the station and top up my tank. For
now though I have of fuel in the truck to get by with for a few more weeks.
After feeding the girls all of those weeds, I didn't need to refill their feeder as it still had quite a bit of feed in it.
Meals I Prepared:
The tortellini soup I had made the previous week was rather filling so I didn’t eat as much as I thought I would. I ended up with one more serving plus an extra meatball so I started off the week finishing that up.
I made two very delicious salmon dinners with baked potatoes and steamed broccoli. Oh my goodness, what a fantastic meal that was and on an extreme grocery budget no less. A digital coupon offer from Albertson’s in March allowed me to purchase four salmon fillets for less than $5! I figured it up and each serving came to less than $2! A salmon dinner! Where can you get two salmon dinners for only $4? Oh wait, I know, my house. Ha, ha.
used a pint jar of pasta sauce and one of spicy Italian sausage and peppers to
make a little pasta dish. I ended up
with three meals for the week. I also
took some leftover rice as well a slice of ham from the freezer and made myself
a small batch of fried rice one day.
My journaling
class went well with only one little squabble between two participants. Yes, that actually happened. Will I be teaching another one? I’m not sure.
We shall see if there is an interest for me to do one, if so, I’m game. It was definitely not the experience I was
thinking it would be, however it was an experience and I am glad I did it.
My rhubarb plants are already huge! |
How did your week go? Has spring arrived and is the weather warming up where you live?
- My retirement week runs from Friday through Thursday.