Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Setting Myself Up For A Successful 2025

With a new year on the horizon I want to make sure 2025 is as good as I can make it.  Since retiring in 2022 each year has been amazing.  Each year seems to get better and better.  I want 2025 to be another great year as well so I’m going to do whatever I can to set myself up and begin the year on the right foot once again.  I’m going into 2025 with a plan.  I’m a planner.  I love to think ahead, do some research, set up goals, make lists (I absolutely LOVE to make lists!), come up with some ideas, really have something to work toward and look forward too.


In years past I always had BIG plans – 1 year goals, 5 year goals, 10 year goals and beyond.  I don’t do that so much anymore.  My goals are much shorter and simpler.  I don’t need to have long term goals anymore at this stage of my life.


I Want To Be Healthy 

This year I’m really going to focus on my overall health and wellbeing.  I’ve made great strides in improving my health since my heart attacks and hospitalization in 2021.  Retiring the following year from an extremely stressful occupation was the best thing I could’ve done to improve my situation.  I’ve been able to get stronger and actually heal my heart, which initially I was told wasn’t likely to happen, but it did.  It took a while, but I did it!  I want to make sure it stays that way.

In the past three years I’ve made tremendous progress with my emotional well being too.  I’ve done a lot of work to understand myself and how I’m hardwired.  I’ve done the therapy and the exercises to figure out how to cope with stress, my anxiety issues, how to better communicate with others and understand them better.  I’ve even managed to learn ways to better work with my super powers.  I feel like an entirely brand new person – inside and out.


I Love Myself 

This may sound strange, but for the first time in my entire life I actually love myself.  I even think I’m pretty.  I no longer look in the mirror and think – ugh.  I earned each wrinkle and gray hair.  Scars and stretch marks are my badges of honor.  My body isn’t perfect.  It was never meant to be. 

I give myself grace.  I forgive myself for everything I ever think I did wrong and I no longer dwell on it or beat myself up about it.  I recognize and accept that I have done some really good work and dare I say, I’m even proud of myself for everything I have accomplished so far.  My self confidence (which I admit was shaken to the core when I had my heart attacks because I felt so vulnerable) is through the roof.  I've got my confidence back!


Budgets & Finances 

I don’t consider having to live within a budget or on a low income as a negative and I never really have.  I’ve always considered it a challenge to live extremely well with whatever I had to work with at the time and I still do.  This next year will be no different.  I’ve lived this way my entire life, so why not?  If it isn’t broken, why fix it?  I love challenging myself to get the most bang for my buck and share that knowledge and those accomplishments with others.  That is why I’ve been a blogger for so many years and why I bestow these things upon my friends and loved ones.  I want everyone to have the best quality of life possible regardless of their circumstances.


NO Bad Days 

In 2023 I decided to challenge myself to have NO bad days and I made it through the entire year with no bad days.  Last year I challenged myself again and guess what?  Success once again!  This year, same challenge.  If I can do it, anyone can.  So I challenge you to do the same.  It is life-changing, to say the least, when you decide that no day will be a bad one.  I might have a bad moment, but the whole day is never lost.  NO BAD DAYS!  Best decision ever!


I’m sure 2025 is going to be filled with challenges.  Things are going to happen and we can't predict the future.  But, in my heart and in my gut I feel it is going to be another really great year.  Don’t you think so?  Let’s make it happen.



  1. I love all that you've done to create the life you want. I hope 2025 is everything you have imagined.

  2. I need to get a little closer to the end of this year before I can psyche myself up about 2025. Just trying to survive the holidays with a minimum of sad...but I think all of your ideas have great merit.

  3. Wishing 2025 is all you want it to be. Thanks for all the inspiration over the years. Janie

  4. Great goals! I love your positive attitude and how you challenge yourself!

  5. It makes my heart so very happy to read how happy and fulfilled you are and how you are planning for even greater things. One thing that struck me was when you said that you have finally recognised that you are pretty. You are gorgeous. I remember posting a good while back that Stu, my partner, had seen your picture when I was reading your blog and commented - and I quote - that you were stunning!

    Heloise xxx

    1. I remember when you told me about that and thinking that was so sweet of him. Now I believe him! Give Stu a big hug from me. XOXO

    2. Hi there! I think I replied to you on the other thread using my name from my ill-fated attempt at a blog. The seagull story was from me! Anyway, Stu says big hug back! I remember the occasion where he saw your photograph really clearly. We were in a pub and I was looking at my tablet because I couldn't bear to listen to some of the bigotry being spouted on the table next to us. Stu saw what I was reading and commented on your lovely face. If I recall correctly, he actually insisted that I tell you how beautiful he thought you were. Xx

    3. You two are so wonderful! Thank you so much. :o)

  6. I’m in, too! In fact, I’m on it right now! I love the mantra of “No bad days!” (All good days!)
    Thank you for being such a great example and inspiration.

  7. You are such a great inspiration! Bravo for your hard work getting your heart and mental health stabilized. I retired in Jan 2023 and had great plans, but it unraveled quickly with a needed hand surgery, sciatica apps with chiro & PT, and my foot broken in two bones. Yikes. Worst of all was the news that my beloved Lucy dog was very sick. She was diagnosed in Sept that year and made it all the way to July 4, 2024.
    I'm definitely on board with you on 'No bad days in 2025'!!

    1. Oh my goodness you've had a bit of a bumpy start. I'm so sorry about Lucy. You definitely need and deserve an upturn. NO Bad Days!! Here we go!


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