Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Tips For Living Simply In 2025 & Beyond


Since retiring in 2022 there are things I have done and continue to do that have simplified my life and boosted my quality of life immensely.  Here are a handful of those things I’d like to share with you.


Declutter Your Space, Often 

Going through and decluttering every square inch of my home, inside and out, has been a real game changer.  I had no idea when I started just how impactful this would be for me.  Inside my home I only have items I want, use and love.  Everything else was sold, trashed, recycled or given away and I have no regrets.  In fact, I wish I had done it sooner.  My home feels so much lighter and more breathable.  It is so much more peaceful and less chaotic.  I can easily find what I need when I need it.  The bonus - I spend a lot less time cleaning and maintaining my home. 

I am much more mindful about what I bring into my home now.  I don’t shop for stuff very often.  Quite frequently I tell myself “I don’t need that” and I find I really don’t.  When I do make a purchase I put a lot of thought into it first and usually it is simply to replace something else.  Once that purchase is made I will remove the item I am replacing immediately from the house - one in, one out.  I sort my mail at the outdoor recycle bin.  Ninety percent of my mail never even makes it into the house.  Additionally, I make routine sweeps throughout my house and I’m still amazed at what I can find to get rid of.


Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do, Do Without 

Once I retired I was amazed at just how little I really need to live comfortably.  I don’t need as much clothing, linens, food, toiletries, etc.  I consume a whole lot less now than when I was working and raising a family.  After decluttering my home I kept certain items to use such as craft and sewing supplies, gift wrapping items, office supplies, housecleaning products, and so forth.  Things I knew would get used up eventually.  I make sure to use what I already have on hand first before acquiring something else. 

Since I retired I’ve taken up daily journaling and instead of buying an expensive journal I’ve been making my own out of a stack of leftover spiral notebooks that I kept from the school supply bin.  I use craft supplies to decorate the covers and I’m using up a stash of colored pens and mechanical pencils I had in my office supply drawer.  I make my own Christmas, birthday and other greeting cards.  I reuse the gift wrap and bags I already have in my organizer and I make my own gift tags.  I also make a lot of the gifts that I give to my friends and loved ones.

I mend and repair my clothing, patching any holes or stitching loose seams before they get too bad in order to make them last longer.  Old wash cloths and towels become rags.  I make my own cloth napkins using fabric from my stash so I don’t buy paper ones at the store.  I create my own home décor from my craft and sewing stash too.


Get Outside 

I spend time outdoors on a regular basis.  I walk a lot.  It helps me to clear my mind, exercise my body and feel both mentally and physically stronger.  I do yard work on a regular basis, even in winter.  I find physical labor to be very cathartic - raking leaves, digging in the dirt, pruning my trees, tending my small garden or shoveling the snow.  I need to feel the heat of the sun in summer, the rain falling in spring, the crispness of fall and the cold in winter.  I embrace and enjoy all of the seasons. 

It is important to get out and enjoy a change of surroundings.  I love to hike a trail or walk along a river.  I’ll pack a picnic for myself and take a drive into the mountains.  Sometimes I just go to a park and enjoy the wildlife I encounter there.  Being outside makes me feel good.


Be Content 

I no longer want more things, in fact quite the opposite.  I want fewer physical items in my life.  I find I no longer need “big stuff” in my life.  I’m quite content with the little stuff.  I find quite a bit of joy just in my morning cup of coffee and a kitty in my lap while I drink it.  Coffee I make myself.  I definitely don’t need to drive through Starbucks or Dutch Bros. 

I have no desire or need for a bunch of fancy stuff.  I don’t need designer clothing, fancy appliances, new furniture, state of the art whatever, a nicer car or even a new car for that matter.  My one thousand plus square foot house is just perfect for me right now and has been for the past thirty years, even when I couldn’t see that was the case all of the time.  I’ve found a new appreciation for what I have.


Be Grateful 

It always amazes me how powerful the act of gratitude can be.  When I am grateful for what I have I no longer crave more.  When I am grateful for the day at hand I no longer feel anxious.  When I thank God for everything He has blessed me with I feel calm.  When I count my blessings, and I do this often, I know that I am rich beyond measure.  There is no tangible thing on this earth that can replace that.  When I am grateful I am happy.  When I am happy then I have NO Bad Days.


Gratitude and contentment is the ultimate wealth.  Simplifying our lives, appreciating what we have, getting outside and enjoying nature, it all has a very positive effect on me.  I choose to live simply because it gives me a better quality of life and allows me to really enjoy each and every day the Lord has chosen to bless me with.



  1. I love this post. Gratitude really is the ultimate wealth. We all have so many blessings each and every day.


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