My goal before I
did any new grocery shopping this month was to first use up all of the fresh
produce in my refrigerator so that none of it went to waste. By the time the November rolled around I was
down to four potatoes, three carrots and a small wedge of purple cabbage. Since I already had plans for using those
three items I went ahead and did a big grocery shop at Winco with the main
items being more fresh produce.
At the beginning of the month this was all the fresh produce I had on hand |
I did use up
those potatoes, carrots and purple cabbage as planned, but I also prepped the
majority of the new produce as well adding more items to my freezer and doing
some meal prepping. Not only do I have
lots of good produce options in my freezer right now, but I also had several
delicious and healthy meals to enjoy during some of my busier weeks this
month. Even better, no produce went to
waste. Even the bunny and the chickens
ended up with some goodies to gnaw on.
I restocked with fresh produce, cream and a couple pantry items |
I went to Fred
Meyer on the way home armed with paper and digital coupons to pick up some
items that were on sale. The three pound
package of lean ground beef was cut in half and I used one of the halves to
make a meatloaf along with the last of the potatoes and carrots plus some
asparagus for a Sunday dinner. That meal
alone yielded five good sized servings. The
other half of the ground beef was cut in two, wrapped and put away in the deep
freezer. The remaining purple cabbage
was finely chopped and added to some of the new green cabbage I purchased as
well as items I already had in the pantry and freezer for a delicious Asian Chicken Salad.
My super sales items from Fred Meyer |
At Fred Meyer I
was able to stock up on cottage cheese, sour cream and canned pineapple for 99¢
each. The two cans of pineapple plus the
two cans of tuna I picked up at Winco replaced what I had recently used from my
long term food storage.
I used half the ground beef to make a meatloaf The other half I cut again, wrapped & added to the freezer |
Just before Thanksgiving
I did a mini shopping trip to pick up items on sale. One item I was hoping to get on sale was
potatoes. Even though I live in Idaho, potatoes
have been overpriced for quite some time.
I was hoping the Thanksgiving holiday would mean they would go on sale
and fortunately they did for $1.29 for a 5# bag (last year they were on sale
for 88¢ for a 5# bag) so I was able to restock in time for the holidays and
some planned dinner guests. I also got
some butter on sale for $2.49 a pound (last year it was on sale for $1.88 a
pound) so I picked up two. I was hoping
for a good price on ham, but that didn’t happen. Perhaps next month? We shall see.
Potatoes & butter on sale at Albertsons |
I didn’t do a whole
lot of food shopping because fortunately I really didn’t need much, mainly some
fresh produce and some dairy items to round out my refrigerator. I didn’t purchase any nonfood items. My final total came in at $60.68 which I didn’t
think was too bad considering the rampant rise in grocery prices this year. I did contact Albertsons a couple weeks ago
and expressed my concern not only over their increased pricing, but also their
shrinking sizes on many of their products and cited several of those items as
examples. They actually contacted me
about it and said they would forward my feedback onto their pricing department.
How did your
grocery shopping go this month? Were you
able to stock up for the holidays and still stay within your budget? Did you find you needed to do anything
differently this year as a result of the higher grocery prices?