Monday, February 27, 2023

My Tireless Retirement - Week 47


Hello everyone!  If it sounds like my weeks are a constant stream of pantry challenges, decluttering, organizing and canning food, they are.  It just happens to be the phase of life I am in right now.  I'm not one to be happy sitting on my rump watching television for hours on end so I've got to keep myself busy and while it has been a lot of repetition the results have been pretty amazing.  I hope this stuff doesn't bore you too much, but in the final weeks of winter there isn't too much else going on at the moment, you know?  I'm sure a lot of you find yourselves in a similar boat at this time too.  I just finished filling up my fifth bag of donations this month and I don't think I'm done.  I keep finding stuff which is AOK with me.


I went back through all of my crafting supplies and eliminated another box of stuff

I made another pass through my craft supplies as well as my office supplies and added enough stuff to top off bag #5 for the month.  I will have quite the pile to take to the thrift store pretty soon.  I also have a dresser to find a new home for so I will put that up on Facebook and gift it to someone.  I have gone through all of the cleaning and laundry supplies upstairs in my linen closet and those look pretty good.  I definitely have enough to last for a couple of years I would guess and some to share if I find someone in need.  I also made another pass through my bathroom toiletries and got rid of a few more items I no longer need or use.


A dresser to rehome

I did not do any canning this week, however I did make some more meals based on items I could use up in my pantry, fridge and freezer.  I finished up a head of cabbage and my last carrot I had purchased at the beginning of the year and made a big bowl of Asian Chicken Salad which I enjoyed for three good meals.  I also pulled breakfast sausages from the freezer and cooked those up for four breakfasts with toast from a homemade loaf of bread.  My veggies last week also included frozen peas & carrots and frozen green beans.  I added a can of pineapple slices from the pantry to my brunches.  I also made a point to finish up the leftovers from meals I prepared the week before.


Our weather was pretty yucky so I stayed home and worked on a lot of my projects I have going on around the house.  I stayed super busy and time literally got away from me.  Before I knew it another week had passed.  I am constantly amazed by that.  Someone mention they couldn't imagine I would stay home for three weeks and not go anywhere, but honestly I've got a lot going on to occupy my time and fortunately friends who stop by or call so I take a break from time to time.  Before I realize it another week has flown by.  I'm having a lot of fun though!


I made these spring rolls to use up some veggies and Chinese mustard I had
in the fridge and rice wrappers that were in my pantry

What have you been doing during these last weeks of winter?  I'm so very much looking forward to spring and warmer weather.  Right now it is that bleak stage of winter where it is chronically gray and chilly.  I just try to stay warm, stay busy and stay positive because I know eventually it will change.  I hope you are all doing well.  Take care my friends!


Friday, February 24, 2023

This Month's Grocery Spending 2023 - February


I have nothing to show you this month.  I often had the thought that I should go to the store and buy such and such, but then I'd stop and think "I really donโ€™t need anything".  I began the month with plenty of items still squirreled away in my freezer to finish up, five pounds of potatoes, three carrots, most of a bunch of celery, an onion and a head of cabbage in my fresh produce drawer as well as plenty of milk and cheese.  I even found a quart of heavy cream in the chest freezer out in the garage so I didn't even need any more of that this month either.  I also have plenty of frozen and canned fruits and vegetables.


I've done a lot of canning lately

Progress was made to clear the freezer in my kitchen and I am still working on it

Not needing to shop kind of turned me into a hermit which was actually quite fine as the weather was cold and crummy.  Not needing to shop also freed me up to do other things I wanted to get done around the house, not to mention it saved me a fair bit of money.  I'm not sure what I will do in March, but I don't think it will be much.  I will need to go get cream for my coffee however, that much I do know.


I redid my spice cabinet

Instead of shopping at the store I just shopped my house

Did you happen across any great buys or stock up on some loss leaders?  How were the sales where you live?

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Spending LESS $$ - Clothing


After going through my closet on more than one occasion I've thinned things down much further than I had ever imagined.  I don't need much and after taking an inventory the only things I came up with to purchase this year is a pair of summer sport sandals and some hiking pants with the zip off legs so they can become shorts.  I could also use a new pair of pajama bottoms to replace a pair that are starting to wear out.  Not too shabby!


I recently got rid of all this!
Since retiring I have gotten rid of half my wardrobe

Throughout my life I have found that owning less clothing overall not only saves me money but it makes my life easier.  Surprisingly, I do far less laundry too.  It is much easier for me to manage a small all season wardrobe than to have a closet filled with clothing.


If it doesn't fit, you don't wear it or you don't like it let it go

At the beginning of every year I go through the items I have, declutter anything I no longer need want or can use and then take stock of what is leftover.  I try to plan, well in advance, for any replacement items so I have time to not only research and find whatever I need but also to obtain that item at the best possible price and of the best quality.


Take advantage of sales cycles to get the items you need and save $$
Shop intentionally and with purpose, not for entertainment

When I was working I had a planned replacement to purchase one pair of slacks, one top, one bra and one pair of shoes each year.  I would routinely purchase those items during certain sales and clearance sales and I also used gift cards that were either given to me or I had redeemed for free using my credit card rewards points.  There were some years I never actually paid money for my clothes.  Other years I spent very little.


Clearance racks will often have what you need at half price or even more
Outlet stores are a great place to shop if you can't wait for a sale

Now that I am retired I find I tend to wear the same things on a routine basis so I need even fewer items in my closet.  My clothing is more geared toward yard work, home projects, arts & crafts and outdoor activities like camping and hiking.  I now have a planned replacement for one top, one pair of bottoms, one bra, one pair of shoes, if needed.  I also purchase socks, underwear, pajamas and outerwear as needed, but I find that isn't necessarily something I need to do every year as those things tend to last me a while.  The benefits of purchasing quality items over quantity.


Monday, February 20, 2023

My Tireless Retirement - Week 46


Howdy doodie tootie fruitee!  I realized it had been over three weeks since I had left the house (checking the mail doesn't count) and I didn't need to really, but I figured I should get out and interact with other human beings.  So I jumped in the truck and went to the dollar store and picked up some stickers to use in my journal.  Exciting stuff, huh?


I saw my first robin this year and was thrilled to see it.  I found out this:  A few things that the robin symbolizes are family, community, living in the moment, leaving the past behind, the season of spring, rejuvenation, fresh starts, joy through song & music, feeling abundant and being grateful.  Pretty much sums up how I've been feeling and a lot of what I've been thinking about lately.


I donated all of this stuff including the hangers

Apparently the third time really is the charm or at least the third go around in my decluttering adventure is.  Once again I went through my closet and drawers and I got real this time.  I pulled out everything I hadn't worn since I retired as well as everything that I didn't like, didn't fit or was worn out and it was a HUGE pile.  It even included some of my designer purses, a cocktail dress with the tags still on it that I've held onto for fifteen years along and the shoes that went with it.  Yep, I needed to get real about what I was hanging onto and why.


I filled up two more trash bags and will be taking them to the thrift store to donate.  How do I feel now?  Absolutely amazing!  An enormous weight off my shoulders, truth be told.  That stuff was weighing me down far more than I had realized.  Since retiring I've literally culled my wardrobe by half and now I'm only keeping things I like, I wear, are comfortable and they fit.  I was super proud of myself for getting this done.


Looks good, huh?

Last week I did something I'd never done but have been wanting to do for quite some time.  I canned butter.  Five pounds of it in little jelly jars so it is shelf stable instead of sitting in the freezer.  Did you know that it can last up to five years?  It was a fun little project.


More containers I emptied and scrubbed up

Along with canning butter I thawed five pounds of ground beef I had bought around this time last year and I got it all canned too.  I made up some sloppy joes, another quick and easy meal to have on the shelf, and canned the rest of it plain to add to other recipes.


In the use it up category I finished a small bottle of hand lotion that has been kicking around here for forever, a 16 ounce bag of blueberries I've been trying to use up for a while now and a crossword puzzle book I've been working on for a few months.  I keep finding stuff too, like I currently have three open cans of Comet cleanser going.  ???  Anybody else on a mission to use up stuff that has been hanging around the house too long?


Friday, February 17, 2023

Swedish Death Cleaning??


For those who don't already know there is a decluttering technique called Swedish Death Cleaning.  I came across it a couple of years ago and was intrigued as it is literally preparing yourself and your home for the inevitable.  Ironically enough I had just done a big "getting your affairs in order" project with my important papers, passwords, will, etc. thinking I was so on top of things, well ahead of the game.  And then, a month later I had a mild heart attack a then two more a couple months later.  Whoa!  You just never know when life will throw you a curveball, that's for sure.


I think, no matter what our age or our current state of health and finances, it is important to keep our affairs in order, especially if we have children under the age of eighteen.  I also think it is important to leave as little mess behind for others to take care as we possibly can.  Whether it is because of an illness, infirmary, incapacity or our death I feel we need to make sure that while others are worrying (maybe freaking out) or grieving that we do as much ahead of time as we can to mitigate the impact on our loved ones.


I've cleaned out a few houses after loved ones have passed on.  I've also heard a lot of stories of people going through their parents and grandparents things trying to cope with their grief while at the same time they are coping with massive amounts of stuff.  Trying to find those important papers and not knowing what to do with the monumental task they have just inherited.  As I continually go through things in my home and scale down my possessions I keep this in the back of my mind.  I want to make things as easy as possible for the people I leave behind.


I am currently in a new stage of life.  All of my children are now out of the house and I no longer need a lot of the items I used to.  So many things that were part of our daily life are no longer relevant and I can let them go.  I want to live with less because I know it will make life much easier for me, especially as I age, but it will also make it much easier on the ones I leave behind should something happen health wise or my time comes and I croak.  Oddly enough, that helps me a lot as I make my way through my home once again on my decluttering journey.


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Shopping My House


I haven't been grocery shopping, I mean really grocery shopping, in several months.  I've popped in for fresh produce and some dairy items like milk, cream and cheese, as well as the occasional bargain buy, but I haven't done a big shop in I don't remember when.  I'd have to look back and see.  The main reason is because I've been shopping my house before I make my shopping list and I find I pretty much have on hand what I think I need.


In recent years, as I worked on my long term food storage, I have amassed quite a bit.  Exactly what my intention was when I started this endeavor.  Surprisingly, it came together rather quickly and I had a lot of fun doing it too.  I had put a lot of planning and effort into it and now I get to reap the benefits of my hard work.  Now I'm scaling it back a bit so it is a manageable size for one and a half people meaning I want to cover myself and have a little bit extra to share with others.  I figured a yearlong pantry and freezer challenge would take care of that.  I shop my home first and then I go to the store and buy only what I actually need.


I'm doing the same thing as far as cleaning supplies, laundry supplies and toiletries.  Whenever I think I need something I shop my home and even if I don't have exactly what I think I want I often find something else that will work instead.  If not, I often have ingredients on hand to make something.  I have vinegar and water to make window cleaner.  I have soap, borax and soda to make laundry detergent and dishwasher detergent.  I have coconut oil in the pantry and a jar of vasoline if I run out of lip balm.


As far as hobbies go I've pretty much sworn off any more purchases of sewing and crafting supplies until I use up the bulk of what I already have.  I also have plenty of office supplies to use as well.  A couple weeks ago I redid my spice cabinet literally because I wanted it to look prettier.  I was tired of all the mismatched bottles and jars and wanted something more cohesive.  I shopped my home and found a bunch of matching Mason jars in the sizes I needed out in the garage.  I had a sheet of return address labels in my office supplies so I used those to print out the labels I needed for the jars.  A completely no cost project using up what I already have in my house.


I doubt I'll need to go to the store to buy anyone a gift this year either.  I have loads of stuff around here to make things with and plenty of supplies for cards to go with them.  Any purchases for Christmas and birthdays will be well thought out and quite minimal I expect.  I will definitely shop my home first before I head to the store or place an online order.


Before I organized my house after my big declutter I made sure I shopped my house first for appropriate containers.  I had emptied quite a few so I had a lot of extra ones to choose from.  Even before I went to the store to buy new ones I made sure I really thought about it first to make sure I was getting the right size and type of container.  I also made sure I didn't have something else that would work just as well.


Over the years we amass quite a bit of stuff so it pays to really think about it first and shop around the house for the things you think you need or want before you go to the store or log on and place that order.  By doing this we not only save a lot of money but we control the amount we waste as well.  It also helps us to stop amassing stuff and cluttering up our homes with unnecessary items we just don't need.


Monday, February 13, 2023

My Tireless Retirement - Week 45


Hello there!  How are you doing?!  I've been working on a lot of little projects around the house and I find I easily lose track of time and what day it is.  The hazards of retirement I suppose.  Ha, ha, ha.


More stuff I am saying goodbye to

I went back through my collection of cookies cutters, picked out
my favorites and I am letting these go

After a successful declutter in both December and January, guess what?  I printed off my checklist again and I have started over.  I figured, why not?  Let's see what else I can come up with.  I was surprised to remove two more large bags of items I no longer want, like or need so is it possible I can come up with another bag?  I think it is.  I will keep you posted on how that goes.


Check out my kitchen freezer!  I've made some serious progress ๐Ÿ˜

I mostly ate leftovers from the week before

Frenchbread pizza made using up leftover items I had in the freezer

In my kitchen freezer I had some one pound packages of markdown ground turkey I had scored last summer for only 79ยข each.  You know I wasn't going to pass that bargain up and I bought quite a few.  I had used a some of them in the past few months for seasoned taco meat and one pound just the week before last in a meatloaf, but I still had two left that needed something done with them.  I decided to continue with "Canuary" and I made some taco soup.  I had dried beans in the pantry, a bag of frozen corn in the chest freezer and some canned tomatoes.  Plus I had just redone the spice cabinet so I had some extra chili powder and a packet of taco seasoning to use up.  It just made sense to do it!  More quick and easy meal options to keep on the shelf.


All of my jars lined up with beans soaking in them

I cooked this pot roast dinner in my slow cooker last week

In my campaign to use things up I have finished up quite a few little dribs and drabs of things that have been hanging around my house.  I used up the last of a bottle of Fabuloso by mixing it with water and filling up the spray bottle I used for cleaning.  I also finished up a bottle of pancake syrup, a bottle hand lotion, a bottle of shower gel one of my daughters left behind and a little bit of goo gone that had been hanging out under my kitchen sink for quite some time.  Nothing is going to waste and all of the empty containers ended up in the recycle bin too.  I'm currently working on a couple more bottles of hand lotion I have sitting upside down, the last of both a bottle of shampoo and conditioner as well as a small three ounce bottle of shower gel from Bath & Body Works.


I finished up this bottle of shower gel

Used up the last of this Goo Gone
I decided I am not going to replace it because I have other things I can use

Last week I mentioned I'm just not a fan of lentils and I am really done trying to figure out ways to make them palatable.  So I gathered up all of the lentils I had in the pantry and cooked them to give to my chickens and guess what?  They don't like them either.  That pretty much told me all I needed to know.  Into the compost bin they went.  Sorry about that chickies.  I made it up to them, no worries.  I emptied a trash can full of leaves I raked up last fall into their coop and they are having a ball with them.  They will have them mulched down in no time.


Used up this bottle of hand lotion

Finished the syrup

Not too much exciting going on around here.  How about you?  Any projects you are working on?



Saturday, February 11, 2023

Investment Cooking - Canning Meat


As you know I am on a bit of a mission to do a yearlong freezer and pantry challenge and in the process keep my grocery spending very low.  As an empty nester no longer feeding ravenous teenagers I've got a far bit of food in this house and I definitely do not want it to go to waste.  Recently I went through the chest freezer out in my garage and made sure that I knew what was in there so I can use things before they succumb to freezer burn.  So far I've been successful, however I can only eat so much.


I cooked this in my slow cooker on high for twelve hours

Last month I pulled a large pork butt roast out, thawed it and stuck it in my slow cooker.  It was large enough that it took all day sitting in my kitchen sink to defrost and another day to cook in my slow cooker to the point I wanted it done at.  

I skimmed that layer of fat off the bowl of meat juices and gave it to the chickens
Nothing gets wasted around here

Once I'd achieved that I was able to remove the bone and fat, break it up and drain off those delicious juices.  I let the meat and the juices sit overnight in my refrigerator and in the morning I was able to remove more fat from the meat and skim off the layer that had congealed on top of those juices.


Heating it all back up so I can hot pack the jars

Everything went back into the slow cooker until it had all heated through along with a container of juices from another pork roast I had prepared earlier in the year.  Once heated through I filled up my clean pint jars and pressure canned seven pints and one half pint of meat to add to my long term food storage pantry.


Once I'd taken care of the roast I pulled a five pound package of Italian sausage out of the chest freezer and once it had thawed I cooked it up and canned it in half pint jars.  These are the perfect size for me to grab and make meals for one or two people so I like to have them on hand.


Half pint jars of sausage coming out of the pressure canner

I also like to can half pint and pint sized jars of ground turkey or beef, regular pork sausage, pot roast, stew meat and cubed chicken breast.  It makes for very convenient meal preparations and it is a nice option to have on the shelf.  I will often take these jars camping or traveling.


It is nice to home can some sides too

A jar of pork sausage is nice for an egg scramble, a quiche or to add to country gravy and pour over biscuits.  Pair a jar of pot roast with a jar of potatoes and a jar of veggies and you have Sunday dinner in a snap.  A jar of Italian sausage and a jar of pasta sauce and you have a quick spaghetti dinner.  There are endless possibilities.


A jar of seasoned pot roast and a jar of potatoes & carrots
Super easy meal to put together

Having home canned meats in my pantry allows me to easily put together a meal on a camp stove in the event of a long power outage, which we've had happen on occasion.  It also means that if I was to lose the contents of my freezer (God forbid) I have my pantry meats to back me up until I can replace my freezer food.  If I'm super busy, tired or not feeling well I have easy foods to choose to make a meal saving me the need to order out or skip a meal.  For me there is security in this.


Gorgeous! ๐Ÿ˜

Love it!

Probably the best reason I can meat is because I really enjoy doing it.  I derive a lot of satisfaction in knowing exactly what is in that jar too.  No artificial additives or any of those preservatives I can't pronounce.  Plus nothing looks prettier than a row of home canned food sitting on a shelf.