It is the last
day of July folks! Our summer is going
by so fast! How is everyone? Is it super hot where you live? I has been pretty toasty here. Typical July for us, that’s for sure.
Staying inside
where it was nice and cool was high on my priority list. I found plenty to keep me busy, including
some housekeeping tasks, but also a bunch crafting and some more crocheting. I made the cutest diecut Santas to use for
embellishing cards, tags, journals and scrapbooks. It was a ton of fun making these. I also made some of the cutest containers out
of recycled Amazon boxes to store items in my sewing room. I can’t wait to show you the updates I’m
working on so stay tuned.
I like the ugly sweater one 😁 The detail isn't showing up as well as I'd like |
In the summer I
like to keep meals super simple and light, usually just a piece of meat and
some vegetables or a fresh green salad.
I’m not opposed to eating breakfast for dinner either. My favorite meal I made last week was spicy Italian sausages simmered in tomatoes, bell pepper, onion and some spices. At the last five minutes of cooking I added
one of my garden zucchinis I had chopped up.
My goodness, that was so delicious.
My next favorite meal hands down was Keto waffles. I had four
precooked sausage patties in the freezer leftover from the 4th of
July weekend so I took those out, reheated them in the microwave and had them
with the waffles. Perfect!
Sorry for the blur, my camera wasn't happy this week |
I ran errands on Monday early in the morning, filling up my gas tank, still sticking to my $25 a month fuel budget, and picking up prescriptions. Albertson’s sent me a couple digital offers as well as some digital coupons to go with those offers so I was able to pick up three packages of bacon for $2.69 each, a one pound package of vacuum sealed salmon for $5.51 and a two pound package of frozen shrimp for $7.98. Thank you very much Albertson’s. I don’t know how they knew I was hoping to add more seafood to my freezer as part of my winter stock up, but I’m sure darn happy about it. I can now declare my winter stocking up complete, including my wish list items. Whoo hooo! Although, I wouldn’t be opposed to a really good sale on pot roasts. LOL I ran errands again on Wednesday to pick up a 50# bag of scratch grains at the feed store and take care of some banking business.
You think you're helping don't you? |
It was a pretty
good week I’d say. I crafted and
crocheted quite a bit, cleaned and oiled my sewing machine, wrote a letter and
sent out a birthday card, organized a few things, purged a few things, as well
as did the usual household and garden tasks along with a load of laundry. I did some work out in the yard, cleaning up some debris after a big wind came through and trimmed my cherry tomato plant as it was getting pretty top heavy. Before I knew it my week was coming to an end
and I wondered how that had happened.
August begins tomorrow and soon our summer will be coming to an
end. I feel like I haven’t done nearly
enough or all of the things I’d originally set out to do, but when I look back
and see all the things I’ve actually done I realize it has been another happy,
busy summer so far. I feel really good about
Here is a sneak peek of some of my new sewing room organization |
I hope to make
August a super great month. How about
you? Any big plans or projects on the
horizon? Will you be doing any traveling
or camping? Let me know in the comments
how your summer has been going.