Wednesday, September 27, 2023

It Was A GREAT Summer! 2023


Fall officially arrived last week and we all know winter isn’t far away.  My favorite seasons are spring and summer and they are also my busiest times of year.  This year was no exception.  In looking back I am quite pleased with all that I was able to accomplish.  I got a lot done and I couldn’t be happier.


For one thing I was able to finish up a project that I’ve wanted done for a very long time.  I finally have a yard.  And a nice one at that!  In spring of 2022 I began working on this project which was to tear out and completely re-landscape my entire property from the curb at the street to the backyard fence line.  It took me exactly a year to get it done and I love it so much.


I was able to put in low maintenance flowerbeds, gravel spaces, a patch of faux lawn and carry my vision all the way through to the backyard.  I’ve never had a nice backyard as long I’ve lived here, but I do now.


Our deck has a pergola to help with the hot summer sun and I was able to put in a brand new raised garden this summer.  And!  I grew stuff!  Not a lot, but I did harvest some fresh veggies this year and I’m pretty of my little garden.


I redid my sewing and craft area moving it upstairs to the guest bedroom.  It has been a lot of fun to have that space to work and create.


Hall closet


I gave the downstairs bathroom a makeover, made some nice little updates throughout the house and gave the hall closet underneath the stairs an overhaul as well.  When I completed those spaces I gave my pantry a much needed freshen up as well.


Moving the sewing and craft area upstairs allowed me to be able to make a much larger space for our sweet little bunny to run around and live her best life.  It also gave me the space I needed to better store and organize my long term food storage.


My motorhome got a new engine battery and some new tires, a fresh set of marker lights as well as a new power steering pump.  Due to finances, I only got to go out on one trip, which is fine for now.  I spent my budget this year on upgrades and repairs.   I got out for some hiking and daytrips, however.


I was also able to do some paint repair to my truck which was a huge deal for me to get that done.  It had been on my list for quite a while and was nagging at me.  Not because of procrastination, but simply that I’ve had a lot on my plate this past couple of years.


In between projects I was able to purge photographs and find homes inside of albums for all the loose photos I had left.  Once that was done I went back through the albums to add notes regarding people, places and things so generations in the future will be able to know about these photos.  While I was doing this I also did a lot of research, updated our family ancestry page online adding information and photos, and added some newspaper articles as well as little keepsakes that belonged to my grandparents to one of my albums.  It was a lot of work, but also very gratifying.


Lastly, I created a recipe book/journal and put it up for sale.  That is something I’ve wanted to do for quite some time and I’m really happy with how it turned out and the responses from those that have bought a copy.


I made relish from my garden grown zucchini

and pickles

The best part of my summer was having the luxury to simply enjoy my home, inside and out.  I feel so blessed to be able to do the things that I’ve done this year and super grateful to have what I have.  I am also very excited to see what happens next.  Happy Fall Y’all!!!



  1. Lots of great projects done! You spend your time wisely and have lots to show for it. : )

  2. Wow! You've been very productive this year and everything looks great. Two things I'm curious about: 1. How do you handle leaves on the faux grass? Can you rake it and then spray it off? 2. Are your garden beds metal? Does that get too hot to touch? I'm planning a yard remodel too, but I'm still in the planning phase and haven't decided what I want yet. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Great questions! I use my leaf blower to clean up leaves and sometimes a broom, yes you can hose it off. The garden beds are metal and do not get too hot. Best of luck with the remodel!

  3. You are GOALS! You have accomplished so many wonderful things! I always love reading about your projects.

    1. Thanks Mandy. It's funny how I didn't think I got that much done until I was looking back at everything and writing this post. LOL


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